12. Saving Sunshine

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TW: mentions of sexual assault and rape, read at your own risk...



Make me feel something


I open my eyes and I feel sick, my vision slowly comes back and I see an older man he's maybe in his fifty's standing above me

he doesn't notice that I'm waking up yet I don't move my head but I use my eyes to look down as far as I can and I see him trying to rip my skirt off, I freeze

I feel myself drifting again and I try to control it but it reminds me of my past. This whole situation does

I feel the tears burn in my eyes but I know not to let them fall he still doesn't know I'm awake and I would like to keep it like that

I feel paralyzed, I know I should be in more control but it's all coming back to me, I feel the walls from when I was taken I start to smell the stench of the place I was put in. I feel completely useless

"please stop" I mumble trying to be less scared but he looks up at me with an evil grin, I know what is going to happen and I try to prepare myself. it will be over soon

"it's not your fault, don't worry they'll find you" I whisper to myself and I hear the old disgusting man laugh

"no one will find you" he says with a stern tone and I feel a tear fall from my eye



Tate has been gone for what feels like 20 minutes and I know she went to go drink, maybe she is dancing I say to myself and I walk to the ledge of the railing that looks over the whole downstairs area. I don't see any trace of her. I feel my stomach twist but I ignore it

I sit back down and Jagger looks at me

"everything alright?" he asks me and I look at him

"just haven't seen Tate in a while" I shrug and he takes a sip of his whiskey

"I'm sure she's fine probably just in the restroom" he tries to reassure me and I nod

I sit down for a few minutes but the feeling in my stomach will not go away. I groan and I walk down the stairs

I see Maxi serving drinks at the bar and I walk towards her. "hey have you seen Tate, she came down here like 20 minutes ago to get a drink but I haven't seen her since" I say and she stares at me

"I haven't seen Tate since she was dancing like an hour ago?" she questions and I feel my stomach twist even more, I feel my hands start to sweat but I try to calm myself down and not to expect the worst

"so you haven't seen her?" I ask and she shakes her head

"sorry no" she says and serves another customer

I turn around and I walk towards the bathrooms. I shove the door open but none of the stalls are being used

I run my hands through my hair and I take a deep breath

I walk out of the bathroom, I walk down the hallway by the bar and I open every door to find nothing

I feel the sweat come off my hands and I take another deep breath

"cmon Tate where are you?" I say to myself and I come across the last door on the right side in the hallway

I twist it open but it's locked, I grab the gun out of the back of my waistband

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