48. William

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WARNING: topics of blood, gore, like nasty stuff up ahead want to warn everyone before continuing! major themes of violence ahead!



Hypnotic taking over me

Make me feel like someone else


last night we got on a plane to London my home, maybe after the fight I would be able to see my mom, I talk to her frequently but it's just not the same as seeing someone in person especially if that person is the one that gave you life

Tate fell asleep the whole plane ride, I can tell she's nervous not about the fighting part, about the fact that people could get hurt, people like Blaze, Niall, Louis, Zayn and even Nicky and I'm guessing me too, that's what's freaking her out, she can't lose anyone again with Liam and her dad being gone she told me It was her fault they died but I yelled at her for thinking that way, kade the fucking psycho is the one at fault, and when I see him I won't hesitate to rip his skull off of his head

I know as soon as I see him I'll be the person I was when I killed my father I was angry and looking for someone to take my anger out on and It was him, and now it will be Kade

we got to the hotel this morning, everyone was jet lagged and we needed a lot of rest before tonight, so that's exactly what everyone did, Tate gave out room numbers and key cards to the rooms, the hotel was nice about fitting everyone in, we told them we had a club to go to the convention center down the street. Tate told them to sleep until four and then get ready, get anything they needed weapon wise, clothes wise, anything

Tate and I took a nap tangled in the sheets of our hotel room for a couple of hours, Tate had a nightmare and couldn't fall asleep after that, I asked her what it was about she told me that Kade killed everyone but her and she had to burry us all, it broke my heart to hear those words come out of her mouth

I cuddled with her until she wanted to start getting ready, she pulled out a book she brought with and I was looking through my camera while laying on the bed with her, I was looking through more recent photos I took, I come across some from New Zealand and I showed Tate, she told me once this was all over that we should go there again, I thought about it, I didn't tell her this but I was thinking we could move there

we looked through the pictures of us from the garden, I come across one she took with the pink trees and I smile at it, she takes the camera from my hand and snaps a picture of me laying down next to her

I groan and she looks at it and smiles, "I love it" she whispers and kisses my lips

"time baby?" she asks me and I take my phone off the nightstand, I turn It on and I look at the time

"three-ten" I say and she groans, "I don't want to do this" she mumbles and I nod, "what if we don't come back?" she whispers and I kiss her forehead, "then will be together in hell baby" I say and she smiles, "always and forever" she whispers and I nod

she stands up and stretches and I admiring her, taking her in for just a minute before we enter the chaos, she's my muse my reason for being open

she walks into the bathroom with her outfit she had one of the strippers from Jupiters she said she's matching with Blaze and I'm excited to see, I know she'll look breath taking in anything though

a couple minutes later she walks out of the bathroom in a slick black leather body suit, I forget to breathe and I basically die but whatever, she has her blonde hair in two braids that fall right on the top of her chest, she doesn't have any makeup on, I look down at her outfit taking in the suit and I see she has a belt with three hostlers

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