7. Jimbo and Whiskey

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R.I.P to my youth 

and you could call this the funeral 

I'm just telling you the truth yeah


I left the house last night in anger when my father told me I was partnered with my best friend harry to kill two men tonight at Jupiter's 

I drove home and blaze came over and we watched a movie and ate Chinese for dinner

she was tired so she slept in my bed with me. I woke up about thirty minutes ago, Blaze is a peaceful sleeper I like watching her. 

I turn back and look at the ceiling my phone rings and my moms contact pictures pops up on my screen. I press the green button and I hold the phone up to my ear 

"morning" I mumble

"good morning, how are you?" she asks me and I roll my eyes 

"fine" I give a one word answer and I hear her sigh 

"Tate, you can be mad at your dad I would be too but don't be mad at me. I had no Idea this was what he was going to do after Liam" she says and I rub my eyes 

"I know  I'm sorry, but I don't understand why he replaced him so quick he was like a son to you guys it just doesn't make sense to me" I say to her 

"believe me if I knew your fathers reasonings I would tell you" she says and I see Blaze look at me 

she squints her eyes at me and I put my mom on speaker phone 

"did you hear he paired me up with the new guy?" I ask her 

"I heard about it this morning, I honestly don't know what he's doing Tate, just kill them and get the job done I know that will make you happy" she says and I take a breath 

I know she's right

"call me tomorrow and tell me how it went, I don't want to talk to your father right now I'm pissed as well" she says and I nod 

"okay bye mom" I say

"bye love you" she says and I flinch at her words and I hang up 

I throw my phone in front of me and I rub my face 

I look to my right and I see Blaze looking at me

"what?" I ask and she sighs 

"nothing" she says and I shake my head

"how do you feel about all of this?" I ask her and I see the fire in her eyes 

"like I want to burn your father" she replies and I nod my head

"yea me too" I mumble and she leans against my head board 

"I just don't understand why he did it" I say frustrated 

"we all are Tate we have a reason to be, it's just fucked" she rolls her eyes and I bite my lip and nod 

"are you going to Jupiter's tonight?" I ask and she shakes her head

"your amazing father told me I have someone in the cellar for me to take care of" she smiles

"what's your weapon of choice?" I ask her and she looks down 

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