13. Thank you Snake

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I love it when you try to save me 

Cause I'm just a lady 

I love it when we play 1950


He doesn't say anything right away 

"Hello? Harold?" I say waving my hand in front of his face and he doesn't move 

I shrug and I walk to my counter and lean against it. "are you alright? you look like you've seen a ghost?" I ask him and he slowly gets up and walks towards me 

"I just need to tell you something" he says and I feel my body shake 

he doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds and I start to feel worried. "what did we sleep together?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "No of course not you were unconscious" he says and I tilt my head. Unconscious? I must of got more drunk than I planned.

"so I got drunk then, well thank you for taking me home I guess" I say while trying to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and I flinch. he instantly pulls his hand away and gives me an apologetic look

"just let me talk I don't know how to tell you" he says and I lean back on to the counter. What could be so bad that he can't tell me easily just spit it out.

"Ok what do you remember from last night let's start there" he says and I try to think of last night but it's foggy I don't remember really anything 

I think for a couple minutes. "Blaze and I got to the club we started dancing in the crowd I took a cigarette from a guy smoked it and then I saw you staring at me from the VIP section, we went up by you guys and I sat down and took the drinks off the table and downed em, I wanted to drink more so I went down the staircase to get a drink but Maxi wasn't at the bar" I tell him what I remember from last night and he blows out a breath 

"y-you were drugged or something I don't know what happened" he starts and I feel myself start to go numb 

"after about twenty minutes you didn't come back to us and I felt something in my body to look for you so I did, no one saw you so I went down by the hallway in your dads office and one of the doors was locked" he continues and I stare at him I don't know what to say 

"I kicked open the door and I found an older man on top of you" he stops and I bite my lower lip 

"did I-" I try to say but I feel the tears prick my eyes 

"No, he was trying to get your skirt open but I guess he was too drunk or stupid to figure it out, I killed him and I told Blaze and your dad and I brought you home to rest" he finishes and I start to bite my nails 

I get the chills and I look up at him 

"t-thank you" I say and he nods 

he gets a buzz from his phone and he checks it 

"it's blaze she's coming over" he tells me and I nod my head not knowing what else to say 

I walk past him over to the couch and I sit 

I feel the couch dip down next to me and I look at him 

"are you okay?" he asks and I shake my head 

"it almost happened again" I mumble and he tilts his head 

"what do you mean it?" he asks with a more serious tone 

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