33. My bitch *

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I wanna see you without any clothes on

That body's dangerous letting you to show it off


I grab her hand after she's down throwing out her slushy in the trashcan by the gas station, I drag her back to the apartment, I need her. I want her.

I wasn't expecting her to admit to me she cared about me like I cared about her but now that she did I can't get the image of her out of my head

I unlock the door to my apartment and she giggles behind me, I close the door shut and I push her against it, she gasps and I bite my lip grabbing the back of her thighs lifting her up, she wraps her thighs around my waist and she puts her arms around my neck, I bring my lips to hers and she smiles before kissing me, I slip my tongue into her mouth making her moaning slightly and it gives me more confidence

I bring my hand up to her neck, I wrap my hand around her neck pushing her head against the door and she throws her head back and moans louder at the contact, I feel my bulge grow as she keeps giving me more power

"Harry I need you" she moans and I grin looking her up and down taking in every inch of her body, I see her wearing the tight red dress from tonight and I know I need to get it off of her

I hold her up and carry her into my bedroom, I turn on the lights as I throw her on the bed, she bounces up and down from the impact of her hitting the bed and she laughs. she slips the straps off of her shoulders looking into my eyes the whole time she slips the dress off of her leaving her in just a black lace set, I melt at the sight and I shuffle over to her. I try to crouch in front of her but she stops me putting a hand on my chest

she pushes me back and I stand up again, she stands up as well and turns me to sit in front of her on my bed, I look up to her as she walks over to me, I smirk and she straddles me and I feel her already so wet for me

she takes her hands by my face and brings my lips crashing into hers, I push my lips onto hers and she runs her fingers through my hair, she moves her hands to the back of my hair and pulls the ends of it making my head tilt up to my ceiling, it gives her access to my neck and she takes it, I feel her suck on the side of my neck which I know will leave marks, she makes me feel amazing

"god Tate keep doing that" I groan out and I feel her suck harder on my skin

she does the action all around my neck over and over again, she pulls away and pulls down my black jeans I was wearing, "w-what are you doing?" I ask her and she smiles, "don't worry your dicks not going into me tonight" she smirks and I laugh and shake my head at her wit

she looks down and I look at her as she gazing at my tiger tattoo, she tilts her head at it and smirks, she straddles me once again and I slip her underwear off of her. she moves onto my thigh and I hear her moan louder

"are you gonna ride my thigh baby?" I ask her and she nods and tilts her head back as I feel her move against me again

I grab her waist and I guide her to move faster, I push my fingers into her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck. I feel her center drip for me as she moves more vigorously

"So wet for me sunshine, I feel you" I groan out and she bites her lip and looks me in my eyes, "H-Harry I don't know how much more I can last" she moans out and I move forward, I kiss her neck sloppy, I guide her faster against my thigh I feel her making a mess on me

she feels amazing. she's about to send me in another universe just by using my thigh.

"that's alright baby but look at me when you come" I grunt as she uses my hair for grip, I have a special thing for pain and I have a feeling she does too

"Harry holy shit you feel so good" she moans louder and I know she will hit her climax soon, I feel my coming on

"god Tate don't stop" I groan into her and she moans my name

"H-Harry I'm gonna come" she moans again and she makes eye contact with me when I look into her eyes all I see is hunger. Seeing her come makes me come just at the sight and I feel myself make a mess in my briefs

she slides off of me and lays down next to me. I stand up and walk into the bathroom I grab tissue to wipe my thigh and myself I throw my briefs into my hamper and I walk out of the bathroom walking to my dresser to grab a new pair

"aw cute bum" I hear her snicker from my bed and I turn around, her eyes travel down to my length and her eyes widen

"jesus" she mumbles and I smirk, she looks back up to my eyes and she looks away blushing of course

"shut up you narcissist" she rolls her eyes and I laugh turning back around I grab my briefs and I slide them on, I take off my shirt from earlier and I throw on just a plain black one, I feel her come up behind me and she kisses my shoulder

"I'm going to steal something from your closet" she smiles at me and walks away, she comes back a few minutes later, shes wearing one of my red flannels, it ends just at the end of her thigh and she only has it buttoned up to the middle of her stomach showing her black lace bra that she has on and I drool at the sight

I walk closer to her and she smirks looking up at me

"yes?" she asks innocently and I shake my head

"are you trying to mess with me" I ask her and she shrugs

"oh I have no clue what you mean snake?" she smirks and I look her up and down

she leans into to me and hovers over my lips, "would you be so kind to get me a powerade love?" she asks and I feel my breath hitch in the back of my throat feel my control slip away, I turn around and walk into the kitchen grabbing a powerade from the fridge

I walk back into the room looking at her as she lays under the covers with my flannel still on her, I slide under the covers next to her handing her the drink, she takes a sip and puts it on the nightstand next to her

"goodnight sunshine" I whisper to her and she moves closer to me, I wrap my arms around her and she rests her head on my chest

"night bitch" she smirks and I tilt my head to her

"did you just call me a bitch?" I ask her and my accent coming out thick

"yes I made you come by riding your thigh baby" she laughs and I pout

"hey hey hey sorry I can't handle it if your moaning my name" I smirk and so does she

"if I recall correctly, god Tate don't stop" she moans deeper and tries my accent and I look at her with an annoyed face and she giggles

"goodnight snake" she mumbles and I hear her fall asleep short after

fuck I'm falling for her


Hi sunshines! new chapter!

smut smut smut

follow my twitter @cdwizzleswizzl for more updates on Orphic and other Harry related things

stay safe and stan Jerry


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