25. Mouths *

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But I can never stop wasting all my time with you

Now I can never stop wasting all my time with you


Tate made me go back to my apartment yesterday I wasn't happy she made me go back but I would never show that. I wanted to stay with her I like her company and I wanted to make sure she was fine specially after New Zealand. I know she would tell me to fuck off and that she's totally fine after what happened but that's her front, she always fine

Today everyone is going to club since it's Saturday night I told Tate she had to stay home for rest, I know her side is bothering her more than she lets on just like everything, I don't blame her for wanting to be strong I do it too. I just wish she told me how she felt, I want to be there for her because I care about her

I'm making sure Tate texts me every couple of hours giving me updates. Right now it's six in the evening, I'm putting on my outfit for tonight. I honestly don't know why I'm going but Niall is good at persuasion. I put on just a simple Black long-sleeve shirt since it's December. for my pants I put on grey dress pants, I slip on a black belt and put it through the loops of my pants. I wear my basic black boots and I leave my hair messy how it is. before heading out the door I grab my gun and I tuck it in the back of my waistband like usual

I text Niall I'm on my way to the club and he replies with same, I walk down the hall to the elevator, I get down to the main floor and I see the front desk, I grab a blue raspberry jolly rancher and I head outside to my car that's parked on the curb

I drive to Jupiter's and I pull to the side of the building, I make my way around the building to the front and I see Jake checking peoples Id's. I walk past him and I hear him groan but I grin and keep walking into the club. When I get in I see a crowd of people on the dance floor, a bunch of people at the bar. I see Maxi and some other guy working at the bar pouring and making drinks like there's no tomorrow. I skip the bar assuming there's already drinks where we are sitting

I walk up the stairs to the VIP and I see Niall and Zayn sitting down on the couches. Zayn has a stripper dancing on him while Niall is looking at his phone, I sit closer to Niall and I see his screen, he's playing fruit ninja

"Hey Niall" I say and he shushes me, "shut the fuck up I'm about to beat my high score"

"Okay damn" I look at him weirdly. I look in front of me at the ottoman and I see a platter of different drinks, I see two blue shots and it reminds me of Tate and her blue razz vodka shots. I take both of them and I throw them down my throat feeling the burning liquid coat my throat.

I see the stripper that was by Zayn finish her dance and walk back down the stairs. "Is she new?" I ask him and he nods, "her name's mikayla I think? Jagger hired her when she was here one night with her friends" he shrugs and picks up a pink shot from the platter

Niall finally puts his phone down after a few minutes later and he grabs a shot throwing it back into his throat. he coughs and looks at me. "I got a new high score bitch" he smiles and I roll my eyes, "I don't care Ninja" I scoff and he pouts

"where's Jagger tonight?" I ask them and they shrug

"Louis said that he's out tonight" Zayn says and I get a weird feeling in my stomach but I push it off me

I hear clinking on the stairs and I see a woman wearing a tight lace body suit, she walks over to me and smiles

"I couldn't help but notice you all the way from the dance floor" she says and stands in front of me, I notice her dark black pigtails and I stare at her, she's hot but she's no Tate

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