15. A loud fucking snorer

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You're gonna wanna be my best friend baby 

You're gonna wanna be my best friend


I hear a knock on my door and I groan and roll out of bed, I plant my feet on the floor and I walk to the door. I twist the lock and open it to see Harold 

he is wearing black ripped jeans and a maroon button up, he only buttoned it up half-way so I can see his butterfly tattoo in the upper part of his stomach and I can see his two bird tattoos on his chest, I've always loved tattoos but I've only gotten my snake because it's the only thing that has true meaning to me, I look at Harold and he has loads of tattoos, I wonder if he has a lot of things that has meaning to him or if he just wanted them 

he looks at me and rolls his eyes 

"your not ready?" he asks and I rub my eyes 

"I slept in, I'll be like 10 minutes and then we can leave" I say and I pull him into my house 

I bring him into my room and he sits on the bed, I look down at myself and I see I wore a big white t-shirt and nike shorts to bed last night 

I walk to my dresser and I pull out black ripped skinny jeans like Harold and I put them on 

I pull out a red crop top that stops above my belly button to show off my piercing

I look back at Harold and he is biting his nails I shrug him off and I walk into the bathroom brushing through my blond locks, I spilt my hair into two parts and I take half of each half and make two buns at the top of my head, I pull them apart to make them seem messy and I brush the bottom of my hair, I put on my eyeliner and mascara and I brush my teeth 

I walk back out to my bedroom and I put on my combat boots and I look at Harold 

"k let's go" I smile and he gets up 

"finally" he sighs and walks past me 

"oh shit hold on" I say and he groans, I ignore him and I run back into my room and grab my snake knife from under my pillow 

I walk out and Harold looks at my knife and I stick it in the side of my crop top by my right boob 

I smile and he bites his lip, I say goodbye to Jerry and I make Harold say goodbye as well and we walk down to his car 

I sit in the passenger seat, and examine his car, It's very plain. it's all black interior and he doesn't have any decorations except his car freshener and its black ice scented 

I look to the radio of his car and I see a red aux cord and I grab it and plug it into my phone 

I shuffle my playlist and Best Friend by Rex Orange County comes on and I smile, Harold looks at me and groans. "why are you playing your shit music" he groans and I smack his arm. "don't talk shit about my music fucker I know you're gonna be singin' this song in a few hours" I say confidently and he rolls his eyes and say sure lowly 

"you're gonna wanna be my best friend baby, you're gonna wanna be my best friend" I sing and I look at Harold for the best friend part and I see him trying not to smile

I dance like a maniac in the car and make Harold dance with me but he doesn't cooperate well 

I see him turn right into an apartment complex, it's pretty nice, it's only about 7 minutes away from my apartment 

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