34. I prefer mentally deficient

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And I think I love you

                      But I don't ever think I can

                Ever learn how to love just right


I woke up in tangled in the sheets with Harry this morning after our last night of actives I was very tired and I fell asleep in Harry's arms. He makes me feel safe if that's what people call it

maybe it's to good to be true but I'll enjoy it until I can't anymore

Harry made pancakes for breakfast my favorite, he dumped loads and loads of syrup this time which made me laugh, I fed Jerry after we ate, Harry tried to pet him but Jerry snapped at him again, I told him he was mad at him because I've been spending more time with Harry than Jerry and Jerry loves attention

Harry apologized and I think Jerry forgave him maybe can't really tell with him

Harry and I ran some errands, we had to stop at the club to get our mission lists for this month, I have a killing in the cellar on Sunday and Harry has a mission on Tuesday at the club for right now

After that we came back to his place and we sat down and watched The Vampire diaries, we are now on Season 3 episode 3

Now I'm in the bathroom sitting on the counter putting on the last few coats of my mascara, I look in the mirror and I look at my outfit, I put on black ripped jeans and one of my black bralettes with Harry's red flannel that I wore last night and this morning

I put my hair in a high pony tail and I pulled out my baby hairs, I hear the door open and I see Harry come up from behind me, he rests his chin of my shoulder and I twist the tube of my mascara closed, "are you almost ready?" he mumbles as he keeps his chin on my shoulder

"yes" I say and I turn around to face him, he puts his arms next to my thighs and he looks up at me, "are you okay? you know with going, you haven't told your parents anything that happened this week" he asks and I nod slightly

"I'll be okay I know they're gonna be mad though" I shrug and he nods, I wrap my arms around his neck and I pull him closer to me

"Kiss and then we can go" I mumble as I hover over his lips and he nods

I kiss him lightly but when he moves his hands to my waist I move into the kiss deeper just for a few seconds then I pull away and I jump off the counter, he groans when I do and I laugh

"keep it in your pants snake" I shake my head and I walk out of the bathroom, I grab his keys and I wait for him to sulk out of the bathroom, he does a couple minutes later and he pouts at me

"let's go" he rolls his eyes and I smile, I take his hand and I walk out the door

We get down to his car and I open the passenger seat, I connect my phone to his aux cord like always and I play my playlist. Hallucinogenics by Matt Maeson comes on

I head the car door shut and I see Harry put his seat belt on, he puts the car in reverse and heads over to the house for dinner

It took about 20 minutes to get to the house with traffic in the city. I made sure the guards knew I was here I slapped their cheeks with both of my hands on each side of their faces, I got inside and I walk to the kitchen knowing at least Blaze and my mom would be in there

I was right, I look at Blaze as she sits on the island cutting up carrots for dinner helping my mom who's stirring something that's boiling in the pot

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