49. Wicked ones

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Ain't no sleep when the wicked play

All we do is get laid


empty, is what I feel right now, I'm faced with my father and my best friend Liam who I both thought were dead, but they're both very much alive and on the other side I guess, I turned off my emotions when I found of Harry's father was my kidnapper that meant he beat me, raped me, sexual, physically, and mentally abused me for most of my teenage years and there was nothing I could do to change that

I felt powerless, but now I'm just fucking pissed off, I snapped bad this time I felt it in my body when Kade or I mean William was telling my the story of what the fuck is the reason for this whole army war

when I looked at Liam he had nothing but hate in his eyes and I don't if it was for me or for William, I couldn't look at my father

"so here's what's going to happen Arrow" I hear William talk to me and I feel a cold streak of sweat fall down my spine

"Liam and Jagger are going to have two minutes and you can ask them questions, I told them the truth of what really happened when you were thirteen and they hate you know so be careful they might try and kill you" he laughs but I instantly get confused, what does he mean by the truth and why are they mad at me?

"why did you lie to us?" Liam asks and I hear his voice for the first time since November but the tone of his voice he sounds furious

"lie to you about what?" I ask him and he scoffs, my father crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me with disgust

"I don't know what the fuck he told you but you guys know the real truth" I snap and Liam laughs

"he told us you lied about you getting raped and abused, he said you were just locked up but you were treated fair" Liam snaps and my mouth drops open at the lies William told them

"you have to believe me he's a psychopath, he's fucking lying" I yell and they step forward,

"we're glad William told us the truth, we work for him now" my father says and I look at him with disbelief, "you guys are fucking crazy" I snap and they step forward aiming their guns at me, I step forward and I grab the bat and lift it up to swing

"don't try anything Arrow" My father says and I step back, my mouth drops open and I see Harry punch my father in the face quickly, "don't call her that you piece of shit" he grunts in anger and I step forward again I hit my father with the bat in his knee caps making him fly downward onto the floor, he cries out and I don't feel any remorse not anymore

"you sure you want to do this?" Harry comes behind me and whispers in my ear, I nod with no hesitation, "never wanted to do anything more" I whisper and he nods with his serious look

"bye lima bean" I laugh and he starts to shoot at the both of us, I flip forward to miss his bullets and I hit him In the head with my bat, the nails stick in his head as he screams in agony, I laugh at his pain and I think back to all the good times we had but now when I think of them I hate it

I pull my knife out of my belt and I put it above over his head, I hear a yell from behind me, I see Harry get dragged away by William and I yell his name, he looks at me and I mouth I love you and he says it back

I feel a sharp pain in my leg and I see a knife in my thigh from Liam, I groan and slash the knife into his neck, making the blood flow out of him, I move down as he's not dead yet and I open his stomach tearing through it making him scream and I laugh as his pain makes me feel better

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