31. Eight

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Lost my way once or twice

But I won't sway in a fight


When we arrived at Niall's, I knew I needed to talk to Blaze. When Tate walked in I knew Blaze thought something was off, and there was something was very off. one moment she was on my lap just talking and they she stared off and she went away and she wasn't the same, I had to of done something.

When Tate was off with Zayn smoking his blunt, Blaze brought me to the corner of the kitchen.

"what the hell is wrong with Tate?" she asks and I can tell shes worried which doesn't make me feel better, "I-I don't know...we were just hanging out in the apartment before we left and she was on top of me just talking to me, and she stared off into space for a few minutes, she got off of me and watched to the fridge and when I tried to touch her she flinched and closed her eyes for a few seconds-" I try to finish but Blaze cuts me off

"How long is was the few seconds?" she asks with urgency, "I don't know maybe like 20 seconds?" I question myself but Blaze looks down

"Blaze what is it?" I ask her trying to get an answer as to why my sunshine is not acting how she always is

"s-she...she turned off her emotions" she mumbles and I stare at her, "what" Is all I can think and it comes out of my mouth

"something must of triggered her and she turned them off, w-we can't really do anything, we just have to watch her for the night and do not let her leave this apartment without us" she says carefully and I nod

I look to Tate and I see her chugging the bottle of vodka again with Niall, she's not leaving my sight at all tonight

after a few hours of Blaze and I sitting and just watching Tate, she walks up to us

"guys can we talk, I need to tell you something" she mumbles and I feel a twinge in my chest, I look to Blaze and she looks up at Tate and nods, she walks in front of us to one of the bathrooms and we sit down on the bathtub in front of Tate

"I'm sorry" she mumbles and I see a smile come upon her lips, I feel something in my chest telling me to get the fuck out of this room, but by the time I stand up Tate is out of the room, she closed the door on us but when I tried to unlock it there was no fucking lock on the inside of the door

"what kind of fucking house doesn't have locks on the inside of the doors" I grunt in frustration and Blaze just shakes her head

"Nialls idiot ass" she mumbles and I hit the door

"Tate you open this fucking door right now" I yell at her and I hear her snicker

"sorry no can do" she says sweetly and I feel a panic wash over me I look at Blaze and she realizes it too

"she's gonna leave this fucking apartment on her own" I rush out and Blaze nods, for the first time since I've know Blaze she looks genuinely scared and that makes me even more worried

I hear the apartment door shut and I bang on the door harder hoping the three idiots in the living room would here us but they won't they're on their own planet

"we're gonna need to break this down down" Blaze mumbles and looks down at the floor

"okay one second" I return trying to get my adrenaline up, I shake my body out and I run my hand through my hair, I take a deep breath and I back up towards the bathtub, I run towards the door and I kicked it, I hear a crack but it doesn't open so I go back to where I was a couple seconds ago and I run towards the door again I push my foot on the door and I feel it crack more, I see the door fall down in one piece and it hits the floor and makes a loud noise against the hard wood floor

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