8. Sunshine

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Don't you know I want you so bad 

I'd do anything to touch you 


I stand in Jagger's office surrounded by blood and two dead body's alone. I feel my mouth hang open and the words I was just told by Tate 

did she mean what she said? is she putting up a front? she has a family that cares about her

I would kill for that. 

I look around at the bodies and I smile at the Nickname Tate gave the one she killed. Jimbo 

I walk out of the office and I spot Tate at the bar talking to the bartender with red hair 

I sit next to Tate and I look at the bartender 

"can I have a shot of whiskey?" I ask her and she smirks and pours me my shot 

I feel Tate move closer to me and I feel her lip on my ear. I look down and I see her drink in her hand 

"you should fuck her you're definitely her type" she whispers and I pull away and look at her in confusion 

I don't say anything and she looks at the bartender and back at me 

"she knows how to use her tongue well" she grins and I shake my head 

of course she has fucked her

I lean closer to her ear 

"who haven't you fucked then?" I whisper and she laughs 

"don't make it sound like a bad thing harold so I get around there's no harm" she says simply and I smile 

"have you fucked Blaze?" I ask and she nods

"she's my favorite fuck buddy" she pouts and I grin. this girl is wild and I like it 

"what about the guys?" I ask and she grins 

"I've know them since I was 17 so yes I have" she says and takes a sip of her drink 

"I don't even know why I am talking to you I don't like you" she says and I roll my eyes 

"we both know that's a lie sunshine" I say and she runs her tongue along her cheek 

"don't call me that" she shakes her head and I bite my lip 

"why not?" I ask and she doesn't say anything for a while 

"because I don't do cute nicknames" she sighs and I shake my head 

"you will" I say sure of myself and she gets up 

"well if you don't mind I'm gonna go grab the body guard and fuck him so have a goodnight and get in Maxi's pants please" she smiles and points at the bartender 

Maxi. I look at her and I order another shot 

I look around the club to spot barley anyone 

I turn back and I throw my shot in the back of my throat and I smirk at Maxi 

"there's no one really here tonight" I say to her and she looks up 

"yea on weekends it's super packed though" she says and I nod 

"is this your first time here?" she asks me and I nod 

"I came here yesterday to check out the place with Jagger but no one was here" I explain and she smirks 

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