23. I'll be here

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So take me to the paradise

It's in your eyes

Green like American money

You taste just right

Sweet like Tennessee honey


We got back to New York a couple of hours ago, Tate was very much Jet lagged, and so was I to be completely honest, On the flight home Tate layed with me the whole time and only got up to eat and use the restroom, I liked having her in my arms I know it makes her feel safer and that's all I wanted after the other night

Seeing her breakdown again made something in my stomach twist, it made me sick when she explained what her dream was about, I'm glad that she didn't go into detail, I don't want to push her to. I don't know how I'm gonna handle it if she does ever tell me, we could go off the rails together

I feel her scoot closer to me on her couch and I put my arm around her, she curls into me and I smile, she yawns and I twirl a piece of her hair around my finger, My phone buzzes and I pull my phone from my pocket, it's a text from Blaze

"you coming tonight?" I read her text and I type

"yea, tate and I should be there at 5" I respond and I see the three bubbles pop up

"your with Tate? ;)" she says and I read it in her voice, I laugh and Tate looks at my phone, she scoffs and looks at me

"tell her to get her head out of her ass" she shakes her head and looks back at the tv

"she said to get your head out of your ass" I type back and she responds with a middle finger

I check the time on my phone, it reads 4:30

"love, we should get going soon" I say and she groans putting her head on my chest

"I don't want to go, Blaze is gonna talk to me about the trip and I can't lie to her" she says and I look at the tv

Tate made me start watching her stupid Vampire show, The Vampire Journal or some shit like that, I don't know, The one Vampire with the brown hair, he seems like a push-over, I like the brother better, he's more my style

"she's your bestfriend, you should talk to her about it" I explain and she nods

"I know but I hate talking about my feelings, especially with that" she mumbles and I play with the strings on my sweatshirt she has on

"are you mad that I didn't tell you about what happened in my dream" she stutters out and her eyes go wide, I kiss her head

"absolutely not, what made you think I am?" I say seriously and she takes a breath of relief

"well I thought you were cause you've been quiet" she shrugs and I rub her arm again

"I'm not mad sunshine, I'm just not good at talking about my feelings as well" I say and she nods

"I'm sorry" she says and I can tell she feels bad, she shouldn't it was just a question

"don't apologize" I mumble and she doesn't say anything

"should we go?" I ask her and she groans but nods

"I guess" she roll her eyes and stands up, she puts her hand out for me to grab and I do, I stand up and she grabs her keys

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