37. Letters and Chains

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Theme for this chapter, Part 1

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Theme for this chapter, Part 1



Back off with those knifes

You don't know me like you used to


We landed a couple of hours ago, our motel was about an hour from the airport, we just arrived here. Our Uber pulls all of us into the Motel, it looks old and unkept almost abandoned like, the Uber stops and drops us off in the front of the doors

I step out of the car and I go to the trunk, The Driver pops it and it flies open, I take everyone's suitcases out with the help of Harry, I close his trunk and he drives off leaving us in the heat of Kentucky

I look at the building and I see moss grow on the sides of it along with rust, I look at everyone and look up at the building in concern or disgust I can't decipher it

I step in front of the sliding doors, they open slowly and creek, I walk in and I see a receptionist at the front she smiles at me as I walk towards her

"Hi ya'll welcome to Creeks motel, how may I help ya'll" her accent comes out and I rest my elbows on the ledge of her desk

"um we need 3 rooms please" I speak and she smiles

"an accent where are ya'll from?" she asks sweetly and I smile

"we are from New York but he's from London" I smile pointing at Harry

she gasps as she looks at Harry, "Can you say somethin?" she asks him giving him her puppy dog eyes

"um hello, I'm Harry" he speaks and she laughs in disbelief, "sorry we don't get many new people here so I'm excited, um here are your room keys" she slides three room keys towards me and I grab them handing one of them to Blaze and she eyes Zayn he nods, I give one to Niall and he groans looking at Louis he smacks his arm, I keep mine looking at Harry and he smirks

"have a nice stay ya'll, your rooms are on the back of keys" she smiles and I nod, I head back out side, we walk down the pathway to the stairs, we head up pulling our suitcases up the rusty stairs that feel like they're gonna break

I look at the back of my room card, it says 14, I walk down the hallway while feeling a slight breeze of the air, I get to door fourteen and I slide the key card into the door, it unlocks and I look next to me and I see Blaze and Louis walk into door 12 and I see Niall and Louis walk into door 15. I push the door open to breeze from the door, I step in with Harry behind me, I turn on the light, the room had brown decor and old quilts on the beds, kind of cozy if you ask me

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