41. Leaders

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Sad, you don't feel sad,

                               But I'm the last to help a crazy bitch that goes behind my back


I wake up next to her smelling her sent of warm vanilla and I tighten my grip around her, a lot happened last night in such a short amount of time, he father died and we haven't seen him, I told her I loved her and she said it back, we has sex for the first time and it was her first time since she was taken I'm glad I was the person who got to share that moment with her although I hope she doesn't regret it

she flips over to me and rests her head on my chest, I kiss her hair and she smiles, "good morning" she mumbles and her voice is scratchy

she sighs and stretches, I see her sit up and lean her back against the head board, I move up next to her. "do you regret it?" I let out and she looks at me, "which part?" she asks and I feel my heart drop, "Any of it?" I spit out and she smiles, "no I don't regret it, I loved it actually" she smiles and I'm proud she is using love in her sentences now it's not automatic but I can tell she's trying

I turn my hands and I grab her face, pushing her lips on mine. she laughs into me and kisses me back. I pull away a few seconds later and there's a knock on the door

"Tate?" I hear the voice from outside the door and I can tell it's Blaze, "Come in" she says and I hear her voice sound croak, the door knobs twists and I see Blaze in her sweatpants and t-shirt from the plane ride

Blaze walks forward and sits on the edge of the bed, she gives Tate a look of concern and Tate looks uncomfortable sort of, "How are you feeling?" she asks and Tate looks down, I slip my hand to hers under the comforter, she runs her pinky on the back of my hand.

"as good as I can be I guess, my dad was there for me but it wasn't like my mom, I'm still sorting how I feel, I don't think I believe It yet" she mumbles and Blaze nods her head understanding

"That's how I felt with my mom I didn't believe it until her funeral" she says, her mom died? I didn't know that

Tate nods her head, "are you going to have a funeral?" she asks her and Tate looks up, she runs her hand through her long locks

"I don't think so, people are after us, that gives plenty of people a reason to come and shoot us up, not many people liked my father" she says and I don't say anything not wanting to effect the conversation

Blaze nods and Tate sighs, "we need to have a meeting, we need leadership. Who's going to control everything?" She asks and looks at the both of us, I would gladly take over but Tate is a badass no one can deny it, she should be the new leader

"you" Blaze and I both say at the same time and Tate looks at us like we're crazy, "I can't lead are you guys crazy?" she says but I don't believe she actually thinks that

"Tate, you have to lead this. you always know what to do at the right time" Blaze says and I nod agreeing with her

"text the boys, invite them here" I say and she pulls her phone from the nightstand, she types into her phone and a second later both of our phones ding, I pull out mine and I open up the group chat

"Meet at the house in 15, we to go over some shit." I read the text in my head, not even two seconds later I see three replies

"got it" from Niall

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