51. Epilogue

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'Cause I've built my life around you


2 years later

"Are you ready?" Harry asks me stepping into our room, I put on my red short sun dress and I nod, "yes let's go baby" I smile and he kisses me hand and puts it in his own, "what's that?" I ask pointing at the bag that's by our front door, "a surprise" he smiles and I shake my head, about three months ago we moved to New Zealand, we would come here all the time anyways just to visit and Harry asked me to move with him, I said yes of course

we started looking at houses and we found a very pretty one, it's on it's own in the middle of no where which is what we wanted, we just wanted ourselves and no one else to mess that up, Blaze, Louis, Zayn, and Niall visit all the time too which is great

we walk outside and I see Echo, I unlock her and Harry gets in the drivers seat, I sit next to him and I connect my phone to the aux, I play Harry's playlist he made for me a couple of years ago, I play it everyday, I shuffle the playlist and the first song that comes on is Landslide and I turn it up for us to sing

I hear Harry start and I follow along

Harry and I got married in New York almost a year ago, when he asked me when I was in the hospital I knew he was being serious and I was planning on marrying him, we had a very small ceremony with my mom, Blaze, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Nicky. they came and we gave each other our rings and said our vows, it was a beautiful ceremony and I saw Harry cry a little, we went to London for our honeymoon and I met his mother she's amazing and I can always count on her for everything she was so great after my mom died six months ago, she was diagnosed with cancer of the brain and she didn't last through treatment, she fought hard though and I love her for it but she was in a lot of pain

I knew I didn't want her to suffer anymore, letting her go was the hardest thing I've ever had to go through but I had everyone at my side for it and it made it a little less shitty, Blaze has a girlfriend now and I know blaze with a girlfriend or any sort of commitment is fucking crazy but Melanie is very nice and she's also a badass like Blaze, I've met her many times and they flow so well with each other

Louis and the rest of the boys are still single as usual and they love to party still which I'm not surprised by, Maxi is dating Jake which I could see them together so I'm happy for them, they have a baby on the way as well, Harry said he's excited which makes me feel a sort of way I don't want kids at all I would love to be an aunt though, Harry and I have talked about it we both don't want that type of duty or commitment so we decided just to be us, Jerry is still with us but he's getting old which makes me very sad but I know that he had a good life, when we moved out here Harry wanted a dog and I said sure because I've never had one, we got a gold retriever, his names Jax like my old car

we pull up to my favorite place, the garden from so long ago, I put my camera around my neck and I grab Harry's hand, he throws on his backpack with the surprise in it and we walk to our favorite part, the pink garden, there's no one here and we sit down on the bench, harry lays his head on my shoulder and I sigh, taking pictures on my camera

"what are you thinking about?" I ask him and he smiles, "you" he kisses my neck and I smile, "I love you" I smile and he plays with my wedding band, we designed ours so I have snakes and he has sunshines on his, "I love you too" he puts his head back on my shoulder and we sit here in comfortable silence

a couple minutes later he pulls out something from the bag and I look at it, the stick and poke kit I got him for our first Christmas together, he opens it up and he looks on his body, "what do you think my finger or right by butterfly?" he asks and I think, "butterfly baby" I smile and he gives me the needle, "give me a sunshine" he smiles and my eyes widen

"you want a sunshine tattoo?" I ask him and he nods with no hesitation, "course I told you years ago I would" he smirks and I bite my lip and I push my lips onto his and he groans, I pull away and I dip the needle in the ink and I sanitize everything, he takes off his shirt and I start to poke a sunshine into him with no stencil, "are you sure about this?" I ask him and he nods, "1000 percent baby" he smirks at the use of my words and I laugh and continue, it takes me about fifteen minutes to finish it how I want it and he looks down, "I love it baby" he smiles touching the tattoo and I put the gel on it

"I-I want one" I say and he shakes his head no, "no" he says simply and I pout

"why not?" I ask him and he shrugs, "you don't need a tattoo" he says and I pout more, "pleasee, snake" I pout giving him my strongest puppy dog eyes and I know he can't resist

"fine damn it" he groans and I clap, "what do you want me to do?" he asks and I think for a second but when the idea comes to mind I smile

"always and forever" I smirk and he kisses my lips once more, "where?" he asks and I point to the inside of my forearm on the arm that doesn't have the snake

he smiles and he pulls my arm towards him, I give it to him and he sanitizes it, I feel the needle poke me and I like the pain it doesn't bother me too much I feel it go deeper and deeper each time and I lean my head back for support

around ten minutes he finishes and I look down at it, I feel a tear prick my eye and he looks at me, "what's wrong?" he says and he looks worried but I kiss him and I hover over his lips, "happy tears baby" I say and he takes a breath

he puts the kit away and I grab his hand pulling him to the field of pink around us, I lay down and I see him do the same next to me, I kiss him softly and he kisses me back with passion, I groan into his mouth and he bites my lip tugging on it softly, "I love you sunshine" he whispers against my lips and I nod, "I love you snake" I whisper against his and we whisper at the same time

"always and forever"


Hi sunshines! that will be my last time saying that and It hurts a lot

I can't believe this is the very end of this book, I'm balling right now

thank you for all the support you've given me it means more than you will ever know

backstage will be starting very very soon so get ready for that

follow my twitter @cdwizzleswizzl for more updates on Backstage and other harry related things

stay safe and Stan Jerry and Jax now


I love you guys always and forever

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