9. Piercing

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But she's so nice 


"I'm coming over I'm bored" I hear Blaze say to me on facetime 

"I'm gonna see you in like 2 hours" I scoff and I angle the phone on the back of my kitchen counter 

"and?" she asks and moves her head forward 

"whatever" I laugh and I see her grab her keys 

"be there in 10" she says and I kiss the phone and hang up

I sit on the couch and I turn on the tv. My favorite tv show comes on the screen and I immediately feel happiness spread across my whole body. The Vampire Diaries has been a comfort show for me when I got back home. I was 15 when it came out but I didn't start watching it till I was 17 and they were on the second season. 

I know the episode that is on. I know every episode by heart. the one that popped up on my tv when I turned it on was Season 2 episode 14: Crying Wolf. When Stefan and Elena go away to be safe from Klaus. 

I here the door to my apartment open and Blaze looks at me on the couch. 

I look at her. she has her beautiful dark brown hair down. She has black sweatpants on and a black crop top with a yellow and orange flame on it. she has a black backpack with her which is unusual because she has a bunch of clothes and even a toothbrush here 

I tilt my head and she puts the bag down and sits next to me. I turn towards her and I look at the bag on my hardwood floor and I look up to her 

"what's in the bag?" I ask her and a mischievous smile grows on her face and I don't say anything 

"it's a surprise" she winks and I shake my head and I grow more serious

"you know I don't do surprises" I look at her and she nods her head 

"I know I'm just messing" she says and she pulls the bag onto her lap 

she unzips it slowly and I groan. she puts her hand in the bag and she fishes for what she is going to show me and she pulls it out of the bag and shows it to me 

I see three packages of needles and jewelry. I look closer and I see a belly button ring, it's silver and its a simple diamond, and I see too little studs they look like nose rings 

I laugh and I look at her. "We are getting piercings?" I ask her and she nods 

"oh cool when are we going?" I ask and she looks confused 

"going where?" she asks me and my eyes widen and I smirk 

"you are gonna give me a piercing in my living room?" I ask and she nods

"two if you want to be technical" she grins and I laugh 

"let's do it" I say with no hesitation and she hugs me 

"this is why I love you" she says and I tense 

I pull away and I nod. she walks to the kitchen counter and she taps her hand on it and looks at me 

"come sit" she says and I walk over 

I jump onto the counter and she puts on blue medical gloves and she pulls out disinfectant wipes, she wipes the needles down and puts them onto a paper towel next to me. she pulls out the Jewelry and wipes them down as well. 

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