11. Living out the years

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Fool me one time shame on you


I feel a bright light in the corner of my eye and I yawn and groan, I open my eyes to see my tv. I look around me to see the couch and Harold sleeping peacefully next to me.

my stomach drops and I quickly get up, he groans and I stare at him. What the hell was I thinking having him stay over. I don't even like him, it must of been the alcohol

he rubs his eyes and looks at me

"what?" he mumble and I hear the sound of his morning voice sooth me

I run my fingers through my hair and I don't move.

"y-you should go" I say simply and he tilts his head

"why?" he asks and scoots forward but I back up towards the wall

The only person I sleep next to is Blaze. I used to sleep next to Liam as well but...

I walk towards the kitchen trying to avoid him but I hear his footsteps behind me

"do you want me to go?" he asks and I look in the fridge to grab a blue powerade but there is none

I feel my hands start to shake and I look at him

"d-did you drink my blue powerade?" I ask him and his face goes white at my espression

I need my blue powerade I don't know why but I just need it

"I-I was thirsty in the middle of the night, I'm sorry" he tries to explain but I feel my eyes get blurry

"I think you should go I know you didn't know um, I'll see you tonight at the club" I mumble and I lead him towards the door

I open the door and he walks out and I shut the door, I fall down to the ground with my back facing the door

I feel my phone in my pocket and I dial Blaze

she and Liam were the only ones I talked to about my fucked up self

I talked to them about different things surrounding myself

Blaze was blue powerade and why I need it, I feel if I have a favorite something I can control it, it's the one thing I can actually control usually I know when i'll run out and I go the store and grab more

I hear the phone ring and she picks up

"yes?" I hear her groan and I feel guilt flood me for waking her up

I don't say anything and I hear her become more awake

"Tate what's wrong?" I hear her sound more concerned and some tears fall from my face

"Powerade" is all I can get out and I hear her say shit, I hear her rummage through to find her keys but I look on the counter and I see them there

"fuck my keys are at your house" she grunts and I hear here move something or someone

"Niall wake the fuck up its an emergency" she yells and I hear him groan

I hear a slap and he swears at her

"what?" he tries to whisper but I hear him

"okay I'll drive you to the store to get the stupid ass powerade, yes i'll drive you to Tate's" I hear him groan and I don't say anything

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