26. Home

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Oh Home, Let me come home

Home is wherever I'm with you


What the fuck happened last night, I try and think through everything. Harry ate me out and I liked it like a lot, he knew exactly what to do how to make me feel like I was on another planet. I wouldn't be surprised he's probably been with as many people as me

The thing I can't get out of my head is that he made me tell him what I needed, usually I just get it no questions asked, but I told him yes I put up a little fight but In the end he won. I'm not mad I don't think I mean It was I mean I don't even have words

I hear yawn next to me and I turn to him. his eyes are still closed but I know he's awake, I stare at him waiting for him to tell me to stop staring, he doesn't say anything for a little while and I keep my eyes on him

"staring is rude" he finally says and I smile

"I knew you were gonna say something" I mumble and he turns to me, he studies my body looking at his shirt I have on. he looks up at me and I put my hand out to trace his tattoos

I touch his butterfly tattoo and I trace the black outline. It's a beautiful tattoo it must of took hours to do. I know that spot to get done is pretty painful, I trace the details of it and I look at his face, but he was already staring at mine

I chuckle lightly and he kisses me, I kiss him back and I bring my hands to the sides of his face, I roll into him and he bites my lip

he groans and I kiss him once more, I pull away and I get out of my bed. he pouts and I laugh walking into the kitchen

I hear his steps follow soon behind me and I open the fridge to see a couple Powerades, cheese, and two eggs. I feel Harry come behind me and he laughs

I turn around and shut the fridge, "I'll just order food, what do you want?" I ask him and he sits at the counter. he thinks and smiles

"Pancakes" he gives me a goofy grin and I nod

I order from denny's and it comes to the apartment about 20 minutes later, Harry went to grab the food from the garage and he came back up opening the food on the table

he gave me my Pancakes and hash browns and he got Pancakes and bacon. we eat out food in quiet and he pours a bunch of syrup on his pancakes

he eats like a maniac and I laugh. he finishes his food in less than five minutes and he washes it down with water. I finish my food a little later and he throw our trash away

"Let's go grocery shopping?" he looks at me. "oh you don't have to come, you can go home if you need to." I look at him and he looks at me but I can't read him

"I-I don't have anything to do today" he looks almost not confident and I nod

"Um than y-yeah we can go" I shrug and he gives me a small smile

I look down at myself and I remember I'm not wearing anything but his shirt, I stand up quick and I look at him. "I-I'm gonna go and get dressed really quick" I speed walk into my bedroom and I hear him chuckle behind me

I close my door and I walk to my dresser. I throw on some black leggings and a black lace corset crop top. I throw on his big zip up I kept and I brush my hair leaving it down. I put on my maroon vans and I walk out of my room

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