27. Dream

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I can't be the only one 

Who's lonely tonight 


It's Monday afternoon now, I got home a couple of hours ago from Tate's place, she said she had to hang out with Blaze and have some girl time. I think ever since I've been here and closer to her Blaze hasn't hung out with her everyday like they used to 

I don't really feel bad because It's Tate and I care about her a lot, she's my sunshine 

It's the third of December which means Tate's birthday is in a few weeks. I should start looking at Ideas to buy her, I have a few but I'm pretty indecisive and I don't want to buy her anything that would make her sad 

I walk into the kitchen and I grab my camera that's sitting on the counter charging. I unplug it and I look through the photos to remind myself of memories. Memories are special they make people come together, they make people happy when they remember them 

I look at the most recent photo its a picture from New Zealand, of the garden its picture of some flowers I took, I flip through the garden pictures I took the next picture I flip to is a picture of me, I was driving Echo, I can see the wind around me, my hair is all over the place, my right hand is on the steering wheel but my left is out of the car just in the wind, I look free, or happy. I smile at the picture and I keep searching through the camera 

I see plenty of pictures of fields I've found, insects and animals in the wildlife these we're from London though the only pictures I've took not in London was in New Zealand, I haven't took any in New York

I start to see pictures of my family, My mother Anne and my little sister, I miss them a lot, I talk to my mom once a week to check in. She's the only one in London now. which worries me because of my business and what I do 

I flip farther and I see one photo it's the first photo I have on this camera, it's of my father, my mother and my sister and I, I remember that day always 

My father came home from a late night of his job he was drunk of course, my sister came home from school like a regular day, she was in year 3 at the time and I was in year 7, My mom was working always maybe it was her way to escape from her fucked up husband 

but she left us with him during the day since he was always working at night, My sister came home from school at around one-thirty like usual, she walked home from the bus-stop, I was still at school however. My father was sleeping on the couch sleeping off his hangover from the night before. My sister saw him and went to the kitchen to pour herself some juice she was thirsty. well she spilled everywhere because she was little, My father woke up and saw, when I came home an hour later her lip was bleeding, she had a black eye and her wrist was broken. My father did that to her 

I got home and she was in the corner of the kitchen, the juice was still everywhere and she was crying hard, my father was sleeping on the couch again like nothing ever happened, I cleaned her up and put a wrap on her wrist, my mother came home and cried she didn't yell at my father no one ever dared to, he wouldn't care if he hurt us, that was the scariest part, My mom wanted to fix everything like always, trying to make everything better. that's what she thought in her head 

so we took pictures, we smiled like a happy family, we hugged for pictures, we laughed for pictures but it was all fake, always was 

but I complied for my mother, maybe if I pretended it would of came true, but it never did 

she got my dad up, he dressed up and shaved he brushed his long hair back, my sister put on her favorite dress she was sad that she had to keep her bandage on for the picture but she still smiled, her smile was beautiful, my mother she put on her nice yellow dress with her pearls and put on her most fake smile for the cameras, but it worked we all looked happy here and no one ever knew we weren't 

my mom framed this picture and put it on the mantel of the fireplace for guests to think we were happy and perfect, when in reality we never were 

I look through more pictures of my sister and my mom, that was the only picture of my father I had on here, I didn't want to remember him, he was a bad man 

I put my camera down and I check the time, the oven clock reads four o-clock in the evening, I make some pasta with vodka sauce, I'm staying in tonight, I want to be alone for tonight, I'll sit down and watch a movie, I can't watch the vampire diaries because that's reserved for Tate and I to watch together, I know she's already watched it a million times but I also know she likes my reactions to things that happen in the show 

I stir the noodles that are boiling in the pot on the stove, I turn off the burner and I pour the noodles out into a bowl, I pour the vodka sauce on top and I sit on my couch, scrolling through Netflix to find a movie for tonight 

I decide on the notebook because I do love romantic films but no one will ever know that, people would judge me and I hate that very much 

I watch the movie and eat my food, after the movie I feel my eyes start to close and I pull a blanket over me, I fall asleep on the couch 

I see her, her beautiful blonde hair, her hazel eyes, her pink full lips, her snake tattoo, she wears a white long dress, I sit down in front of her gazing around me, I'm in a field on grass out in the middle of no where but I've never felt more myself  

I look at her, the sun shines down on her making her hair lighter, she smiles at me and runs around the field, her arms out being her true self 

I hear her contagious laugh and I laugh with her, she sits down in front of me and throws her head back into the sun, she takes a deep breath and inhales the air around us, I do the same. it smells like vanilla but with coconut. 

she moves next to me and leans on me, she whispers. "help me" and I look at her, her face changes from happiness to worry in a matter of seconds, she stands up and runs from me, I try to chase after her but she is to fast and before I know it she is gone, she disappeared into thin air 

I gasp as I wake, I shoot up and I feel the sweat on the face, I wipe it off and I hear my phone ringing next to me, it's Tate 

"sunshine why are you calling me it's like two in the morning are you alright?" I ask and the line stays silent which makes me more worried, I stand up walking to the counter to find my keys 

"h-harry?" I hear her voice and I grip the phone harder, I can tell she's been crying her voice sounds so small 

"Sunshine what's wrong?" I ask her and I hear her cry, my heart breaks and I walk out of my apartment 

"I'm on my way, we'll watch the vampire diaries on your couch with Jerry I'll make it better" I try to make her feel better but she sobs more 

"w-we can't do that anymore" she mumbles and I hear her sniffle, I start my car and I drive away to her apartment 

"why can't we do that anymore?" I ask her but she doesn't say anything

"Harry something bad happened" she whispers and I feel a chill go down my spine, I accelerate the speed and I race to her apartment 

but when I get there I'm in utter shock and all I see is one thing 



Hi sunshines! New chapter! 

Don't be mad :)) 

Follow my twitter @cdwizzleswizzl for more updates on Orphic and other harry related things 

stay safe and stan Jerry 


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