21. Gumpy and Charles

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Theme for this chapter- New Zealand part 3

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Theme for this chapter- New Zealand part 3



You're out of line,

Buried yourself alive and expected to be fine

You can't rewind,

When you're choking on your own dirt begging for your life


I woke up around ten in the morning and my arms were wrapped arounds Tates waist, I pulled my hands away because I knew if she woke up and saw that she would freak, I know she has some sort of under laying trauma she won't talk about but I mean who would want to talk about something heavy I know I don't want to talk about mine.

I layed on my back until I heard Tate groan and stretch, I turned over to her and she smiled

"see I told you nothing bad was going to happen" she raises her eyebrows and I roll my eyes

"I just wanted to make sure sunshine" I say seriously and she nods

"I know and I appreciate it snake" she says with her sweet tone and I feel my stomach feel weird

we ordered room service at around 11, Tate got eggs with cheese and two pieces of toast, I got pancakes with hash browns.

it took about thirty minutes to get to our room, we were laying in bed just talking and there was a knock on our door, the man rolled in a cart with our food on it, Tate thanked him and pushed the cart further into our room. she closed the door and I walked over to the cart taking the silver covers off of the plates, we devowerd our food it was gone with in minutes

after that Tate picked out the book she was looking at yesterday from the bookshelf and got to reading, reading wasn't really my cup of tea but I caved and start reading the great gatsby Tate said I would enjoy it. I got about two hundred pages in before Tate tapped me on the shoulder saying we had to get ready for the club, I totally forgot our reasoning for coming here, I was having too much of a good time with Tate

I walked into our closet and I grabbed a plain black blazer, with black dress pants, and a basic white silky shirt for under, I put on the suit and I grabbed my black boots to go with them, I fixed my hair how I usually do it and I walked in the living room to get to the safe containing our weapons of choice for tonight, I grabbed two basic black guns, tucking them into the back of my waistband my blazer covering them and their imprints. I see Tates snake knife I grab it and I admire it, it has a curled top with rigid indents in it, it has the base which is a dark wood, then there is two snake heads that cross each other and their bodies are also have rigid indents in them and their ends of their bodies are the sharp part, I hear heals walk from behind me and I spin around, my breath taken from me when I see her

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