42. Women

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I'm a motherfucking women, baby, that's right


We drove home from my parents house yesterday morning and I tried to start with calling my fathers men and women again but I was too tired and Niall and Blaze texted me an update on there's saying they were accepting and pumped up to see us revamped no one has seen or talked to us since I was 19 so I could say I've grown since then

When I was 19 I was a rager, I still am just not as intense. I don't remember most of that year too much, I was at Jupiter everyday instead of once or twice a week, I was killing any person that would piss me off and I was off the rails after my dad trained me, I was dangerous

I didn't have the energy to call any of our list of people so Harry and I caught up on some of The Vampire diaries since we haven't in a couple of weeks, Harry also reminded me of my birthday that's coming up in 5 days, I don't care about my birthday that much it reminds me of another year I'm stuck on this planet and I have never really celebrated my birthday much, we usually have a family dinner and I get something from each person of the group, this will be my first birthday with Harry but without my father and Liam which makes me devastated but I also optimistic because I have Harry

My birthdays on a Sunday anyway so won't be training but I don't have anything to do, I won't be making my mom cook anything she needs to heal from my father, the schedule I have planned out is training six days a week, Monday through Saturday, hours will be from eight in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, on Saturdays it will eight in the morning to twelve.

"Tate?" I hear Harry's voice echo through the door of our room, I'm looking at the files and trying to do my job, "Yes?" I say and the door twists open, "what are you doing?" he asks and I see his sweaty body, "where the hell have you been?" I question him and he smirks, "I was at the gym getting an early start on training" he smirks and sits down next to me, kissing my lips. I scrunch up and I pull away. "your all sweaty" I laugh and he hugs me, I twist out of it and I squeak

"Harry this is nasty, go take a fucking shower" I yell and he laughs

he pulls away from me but it's too late I feel all sticky, I grab my computer again and he looks at the files, "how's it been going?" he asks and I shrug, "I haven't tried calling anyone yet kind of nervous". "Why?" he asks and rubs the back of my hand, I look down at our fingers and I sigh. "Well when I call them I have to tell them my father their leader is dead and that I have to have them come back to New York to fight for me and to take down his killer slash my attacker, it's sort of a lot" I laugh and he nods, "I'm here with you" he reassures and I nod, "and I love that you are" I smile at the use of my words, it was hard at first and I still hesitation more than I should before I say it but I say it at least

he smiles and he give me a file, I open it and I see the mans name, "Nicholas Hide" I say out loud, "Born November 3rd 1973" "age 45" "specialties include but do not limit to: Guns, Knife throwing, whips, ninja stars" I say the last part out loud and I smile, he sounds badass

I dial his phone number and I press the speaker so Harry can hear as well, a second later he answers, "Hello?" he says and I hear his gruff voice, "Hi it's Tate Undergrove" I say and he coughs . "Hello Tate how's your father?" he asks and I look down, he's dead...

"I actually called you because of him... he was murdered by my kidnapper actually" I say and I hear him start to shuffle around

"holy shit are you alright?" he asks and I hear the concern in his tone, I laugh shortly but then I shut the fuck up

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