44. Oh hello Echo

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It's New York, baby, always jacked up

Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up


This past week has been pretty stressful but that's only because everything is new, we finished training earlier today for this week, Nicky was a lot of help to say the least, he was very good at leading my room while I would check on the others, everything was going to plan so far, Harry's group was making progress getting back into the swing of things he had a lot of younger people in his class like sons and daughters of old gang members that decided to join, so he had to teach them everything he knew

Blaze had older women and men but my father never had a fire room, so they didn't know anything Blaze had to teach them the ropes but they were willing to learn so that was a plus, my dad knew how to hire his men. Niall had no problem with his room they all knew the basics so they were just practicing with his help a little, Louis didn't have to train much either everyone knew the basics of beating the shit out of someone and Zayn he knew what he was doing he taught them more of bats and the mental aspect of fighting never giving up always finish them off stuff we were taught by my father

Harry and I got home today after training and I took a nap while he said he needed to run an errand so I fell asleep when he left, we I woke up he still wasn't back so I was researching looking at the note Kade sent us looking at his letters he was sending to my father, I knew my father was connected somehow but I didn't know in what way

I look through everything from him trying to fit the pieces together somehow but I just don't have enough to figure what the hell is going on, I hear the door open and I run into the living room, I see Harry walk in with a birthday bag and I raise my eyebrows, my birthday is tomorrow but I told him no gifts

"Hey baby how was your nap?" he asks avoiding the fact I'm staring at the huge fucking bag with balloons on it

"No no don't baby me what the hell is that?" I ask him pointing at the bag he's holding and he throws it behind him, I walk up to him and he backs toward the door

"It's nothing" he shrugs and I can tell his lying, I shake my head and I try to reach for it

"no no it's nothin" he says and I scoff, "did I tell you, you look beautiful today?" he says and I squint at him

"stop trying to change the subject Harold tell me what's in the bag" I use his old nickname and he pouts

"do use the old nickname on me what happened to snake or baby" he asks and I shrug

"well I would use them if you tell me what the fuck your planning" I smile and he groans and sits on the couch

he pats the seat next to him and I sit down, "I know you told me no presents but I bought these before you said it so..." he says and I scoff shaking my head

"why must you do this to me" I question and he shrugs

"cause I love you very much" he smiles and hands me the bag, I take out the white tissue paper from the top and I see a tiny box and my heart drops, this better not be a ring I swear to Jesus

"It's not a ring Tate chill the fuck out" he says and I smile and nod as he read my mind

I pick up the black velvet box and I hold it in my hand, I take the top and I pull it up opening it and I see a necklace, it's a gold necklace and when I look farther down I see a sun with gold rays and in the middle is little diamonds, I take it in my hand and I smile, I love it so much. it's a sunshine necklace, I look up and I see him pull something out of his back pocket, he pulls out a snake ring it's silver and he puts it on his middle finger on his right hand, "Sunshine and Snake" he says and I laugh making the connection, I throw my arms around him

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