43. Assassins in training *

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Pour a drink just to stop the shakes

Blowing smoke until my eyes bleed


I open the the closet door and I move to my side of the closet, I look through looking for something to wear something that will make me look like the badass I am, I flip through my clothes trying to find something and I come across an outfit I think would work, I take a ripped pair of blue cuffed mom jeans and a long sleeve black body suit, I put it on and I throw on my black combat boots and my black leather cobra jacket on top

I throw my hair up in a high pony tail and I throw on some eyeliner, mascara, and my red lipstick.   I walk out of the bathroom to see Harry waiting for me on the bed, "ready to go" I smile and he shakes his head, I walk closer to him and I look down taking in his outfit, he's wearing black ripped jeans and a short-sleeved blue silk shirt with his cobra jacket on top, his hair is pushed back as always, I drool over the sight of him

"sit" he says and he pats his lap, I roll my eyes and I step closer but I don't sit on his lap, that is until he pushes me forward straddling him, I look down at him and he tilts his head up pressing him soft pink lips to my neck very gently, it drives me crazy

I feel him pull down my shirt for access to my collar bone, he presses his lips more roughly onto my collar bone and sucks at the skin leaving a love bite and a couple of bruises, "Harry it's about to be seven we need to go" I smile as he doesn't stop, "we could get it done in ten minutes don't worry" he smirks and moves back to my neck, I try to stop myself but I can't I know I'm gonna end up giving in

he moves his fingers from my waist to the button of my jeans and he unbuttons them, I feel them fall off my waist and he slides his fingers in my underwear moving to my core, he slides a finger on my slit and I feel myself grab onto the hairs on his head, I moan and he grunts taking a breath in, "so wet for me and I haven't even done anything yet" he smirks and I bite my lip in defeat

"Harry you need to hurry then" I gasp out and he grins, he nods and picks me up from his lap, he turns me around and throws me on the bed, he moves to me sliding off my pants and I feel him throw my underwear off as well leaving me bare and ready for him, I hear his belt slide off of him hitting the floor and he steps forward to me, when I see him his length is already out, damn I guess he took moving quick to heart, he kneels down in front of me eyeing me while he moves his face to my center, he sticks his tongue in me and I gasp throwing my head back as he works, "Look me in the eyes" he pulls away and I move my head back to look at him

he has his look of hunger as he moves his tongue in and out of me, I feel myself not being able to hold on for much longer, a second later he pulls his tongue away like he read my mind, he stares at me while he grabs a foil pack it from his back pocket, he rips it open and slides it on his length, he moves forward and grabs the side of my thighs ripping me forward to him, I hit the front of his legs and he grabs his length he puts it right on my center and pushes into me, I groan and grab the sheets for some sort of grip

"oh fuck" I moan out and he grunts pushing as far as he can into me, he rocks into me and I bite my lip and he groans out "Tate I need you to come like now" he grunts out and I moan louder, he pounds into me and I feel my climax approach. he wraps his hands around my back lifting me up and he pushes his fingers into my back scratching the shit out of me that makes me hornier you know the pain kink

he pushes into me harder hitting my g-spot and I moan very loud hitting my climax, I see him launch forward and I know he came as well

I spring up running to the bathroom real quick, I pee and I run a wet cloth over me to look semi clean and I run back out to the bedroom sliding my clothes on, while Harry looks as perfect as ever

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