39. Ding dong daddies dead

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While I'm falling apart

While I'm going insane


We just got off the plan from Kentucky, Tate was acting like she was fine the whole plane ride home, Niall and Zayn were trying to ask her if she was okay and she just kept saying she was, she's not fine though, she could of died not even twelve hours ago at the ball, she found out that she was apart of some agreement and that this son of a bitch Kade isn't even showing his face because he's too much of a fucking pussy 

I'm trying to be here for Tate because she's going through so much in a span of so little time but she's not accepting she can't say she's fine forever, I know she's gonna snap I just don't know when but I'm fucking terrified for the day she does 

"I'm gonna order an Uber" she says and everyone nods, I'm trying to read her but she's fucking impossible 

not even five minutes later a black Nissan shows up in front of us and takes us straight to her parents house, we see their cars in the driveway so we know they're home

When we walk to the doors, we don't see any guards that's our first red flag. I see Tate turn towards me and she pulls out her knife, I grab the gun from my waist band and I hold it out getting ready to shoot, Niall, Louis, and Zayn do the same and Blaze takes out her knife as well 

Niall pushes the door open and I step in with Tate by my side, I see the two guards dead on the floor, they have piles of blood spewing from them both, they were stabbed but the knifes are gone, Tate runs through the halls of the house screaming for her parents but no one answers, I follow her as she runs through the whole house checking each room. we get to my old room and I hear a muffled yell from the room, "Tate! over here" I yell and she sprints over to me 

I kick open the locked door and I'm faced with Davina, she's tied up and has a gag in her mouth, she has tears in her eyes but she stops screaming when Tate and I enter the room, I untie the rope from behind her back and Tate takes the gag from her mouth, she catches her breath and cries into Tate 

"he's gone" she mumbles and Tate looks at me, she looks scared and I bite my nail in worry 

"who?" she asks and her voice is hoarse 

"y-your father" she cries and I see Tate's heart break or leave her body, I can't decide which but I see it 

"like he was kidnapped or he's dead?" she asks with her emotionless face 

"b-both...Tate" she says and Tate closes her eyes, I know she's turning them off, her dad was her best friend. They had a complex relationship but doesn't everyone it doesn't mean you don't love them 

"ok...let's get you up mom" she mumbles and she looks at me, I help her up onto the bed and she looks at Tate 

"Tate are you alright?" she asks crying harder and Tate nods her head, "I'm okay mom...I need to ask you a couple of things" she mumbles and Davina grabs her shoulders and shakes her 

"Tate this isn't a fucking investigation your dad died!" she yells and I see not a single emotion flash over Tate's face she just let's it happen 

"I know, but- but I need to ask you what you saw so I can kill the motherfuckers who killed my father, your husband" she yells back and Davina shuts the hell up 

"there one man, he was in a mask, he killed the guards, your father told me to run, but the man went after me first, hitting me trying to stab me, he didn't stab me when he caught me though, he just tied me up which I found weird, I heard your father scream and it went silent, I heard a gun shot as well" she says and I shake my head 

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