30. Everyone will be happier

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WARNING: mentions of drugs, suicide, and overdose ahead! Please be aware before continuing! 



Haunted by the ghost of you 

Oh, take me back to the night we met


"So you're coming right?" Niall asks me over the phone and I look towards Harry who's sitting on the couch on his phone, he doesn't look up from his phone but he nods 

"Yea we'll be there" I sigh and Harry looks at me and notices my slip up 

"who's we?" he asks with his stupid tone and I can tell his grinning over the phone 

"Did I say we I mean't I" I try to cover it up and Harry laughs at me, I hear Niall 

"Uh uh uh, you said we, I knew you were with him you sounded cheery when I called you which was weird but now I know" he says and I roll my eyes 

"Niall I'm gonna beat your ass when I see you later if you don't shut the fuck up" I grit and he laughs 

"wait are you with him now?" he gasps and I don't answer 

"tell him I say hey asshole" he says and Harry pouts 

"hey don't call me names you bitch face" Harry yells from across the room and I face palm 

"Holy shit I knew it god I'm so smart, and shut up Harold no one likes you" Niall says over the phone and I shake my head at the banter between them 

"I know one person that likes me very much" he grins looking at me and I hear Niall gag 

"ew anyways I'll see you guys in a few hours bring tequila pleaseee" he whines on the please and I say okay and I hang up 

I walk to the couch and I sit on harry's lap, "way to go sunshine" he smirks and I roll my eyes at him, "you didn't help much Snake" I raise my eyebrows and he shrugs and gives me an innocent look 

"I don't know what your talking about" he pouts and I grab his cheeks and I squish them together, he's pretty adorable I have to admit sometimes but no one will ever know that 

I peck his lips and he smiles, I let go of his cheeks and we stare at each other for a while, it's Thursday now my apartment burnt down only four days ago but I think I'm adjusting well to my new living situation, Harry is comforting I think that's part of it, I called Blaze on Tuesday when we woke up and she freaked out and came over we hung out while Harry ran some errands, we talked and I told her my thoughts she shed a few tears because she was scared she didn't know she could of almost lost me. 

She slept over we made sure it was okay with Harry but he only seemed concerned when I didn't sleep in the same bed as him and I slept in the guest room with Blaze but I told him not to worry, I haven't slept with anyone else since I kissed him at the club, he reassured me and told me he hasn't either which made me happy but also confused because I told myself I didn't care about him, but I think I do. I don't know what that means for us but it makes me nervous 

yesterday we did absolutely nothing, we stayed in and I cooked pasta for us and we watched more of The Vampire Diaries, we are now on Season 2 episode 16. Harry's favorite character is still Damon and I like to think when Klaus is introduced he will switch and say he's his favorite

I just want to know his thoughts, what he's thinking, if he's thinking about me, what he wants with me. if he cares. He's great at reassurance but I don't even know what I need. 

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