35. Send him the message in hell

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Oh God, I ain't got no other place to hide

Chained down, like a sitting duck just waiting for the fall


She found my playlist yesterday night, we were coming home and her phone died she asked me to use mine and it slipped my mind so I gave it to her, shes for sure gonna make fun of me for a while

we got home yesterday at around one in the morning and Tate fell right asleep, I had a hard time so I cuddle up next to her and I fell right asleep

Tate woke me up this morning by jumping on top of me and hitting me in the face repeatedly, I wrapped my hand around her neck and threw her back down which proceeded for me to be on top of her and then she kissed me multiple times

I got up and made her breakfast she wanted pancakes but I made myself just a protein shake and I went to workout, she said she didn't want to come so I left for a couple of hours, I boxed and did core work for today

I open the door to our apartment and I hear the shower running, I'm full of sweat so I go into our room and I see the steam come out of the bathroom door, I knock and I hear her voice

"yes?" she yells and I smirk

"can I come in?" I ask her and I don't here a reply

"yes you may" she yells and I open the door, I see the shower door full of steam to where I can only see the outline of her body, she has her hands up in her hair, it's a sight of course

I see her body turns towards me and I try to look at her face through the door but I can't see it, I throw off my shorts and my briefs under, I take my hands to the hem of my shirt and I pull it over my head, I throw it behind me and I open the shower door, I look at her and she eyes me up and down and smirks

I take in her beautiful body, every freckle, every scar. I step in the shower and the steaming hot water hits my back and I close my eyes and let is run down my bare body

I feel her hands run along my body but she stops at the middle of my sides, she runs her fingers along my scars there and I look at her, her face is unreadable but she stares at me in my eyes

My father loved knives as well, most of my scars have healed up but three have not they were too deep, I have two on my sides just deep gashes and under my butterfly tattoo is a W that he cut into my skin, I was about 12 I think, he wanted to make sure I was stuck with him for ever

she puts her tiny hands on my face and brings mine towards her, I lean forward into her and her lips press against mine, I take her in, her aroma, her spirit everything and anything I can think of

I move my hands to her upper back but she flinches away, she pulls her self away from me and I feel sorry

"I didn't mean to-" I start to whisper but she cuts me off

"it's alright, I just have-" she says but she stops and turns around so I can see

I look at the upper part of her back and I see huge gashes across the top of her back. they look deep and dark like they're healed but they're always gonna be there, a reminder of a sort

"did that happen-" I say and she nods

What kind of sick bastard would do that to her, a beautiful sunshine like her doesn't deserve this

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