6. Harry Edward Styles *

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Straight to hell 


"That's not my name" I look at Jagger my new boss and he shrugs 

"yea I can't really control her that well" he sighs and I rubs his eyes 

I sit down at the table next to him and my other people I'm working with 

Louis and Zayn I think their names are and that other girl Blaze left when Tate did

Tate is well a bitch you could say. her friend died I get it but don't fucking treat me like the asshole blame your father 

everyone in the room is silent and I stay quiet. I know no one wants me here but quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I'm here to do my job and that's it

Jagger's phone rings and he answers the call. I don't here much from his mouth but he ends the call and looks at all of us 

"just got word from one of the security's at Jupiter's we got a mission" he says and stands up 

"tomorrow at 11 pm meet at the club, I need you and Tate to team up and kill two motherfuckers they owe me money and they're not paying, get the job done" he snaps and walks out of the room and the others follow

I stay put and I look around the office 

I see yellow folders on one of couches and I walk over to it 

I sit down and I see the top folder with my name on it and I pick it up 

I open it and I read it 

Harry Edward Styles 

DOB: February 1st 1994 

Skills: fighter, trained with guns, and other weapons. excels in speed and agility. consistent aim 

I smile and my ego gets bigger 

I put my folder down and I see another one and I look at the tab on the top 

"Tate Undergrove" I say out loud and I pick up the folder 

Tate Ray Undergrove 

DOB: December 20th 1994

Skills: Knives, guns, and other weapons, excels in speed and aim

I need down more and I see she put a note 

"I never fucking miss" and she put a kiss on the paper 

I look down further and I read the first sentence but the rest is crossed out 

abducted when she was 13 and wasn't found until the age of 16.

I instantly close the folder and I put it down. what the fuck. 

I hear yelling from outside the office and I stand up and head out of the door to see Tate yelling at Jagger 

"you really hate me don't you?" she yells and she spots me 

"you" she snaps and I walks towards me 

"we are not working together, I'm going solo" she says and I laugh

"fine by me" I say and I look at Jagger

he shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose

"can you stop acting like children and fucking kill the two assholes please" he asks and Tate looks at him 

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