40. The last piece *

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I can't help but love you

Even though I try not to


I feel Harry push me up against the wall of the corridor, he wraps his hand around my neck and I hover over his lips, I'm gonna say it because I do right now in this moment I feel it and I feel it for him, I am in love with Harry Styles

"I love you too" I mumble as I hover his mouth, he Stares up at me and he smiles, I laugh in amazement at the words coming out of my mouth, I haven't said those three words in eleven years. It feels like I'm floating now like I'm free of hurt

"I love you" he says again before moving back to my lips, he attacks me with his lips and in between kisses I answer him

"I love you" I mumble and he groans kissing me again, he pulls his face away and I look at him, I really take him in and I know that my father just died and I should be hurting but all I feel now is what I feel for him, I want him in every way possible, I just have to figure out how to tell him because I know he's gonna say something about my father

"what?" I blush as he just stares into my eyes, I look down and he brings his hand to my chin lifting my head up to meet his eyes, "Harry?" I ask him and he smiles snapping out of his day dream

"what?" he asks and bites his lip, god the things I want right now

"I-I want you" I whisper and he puts me down gently, "Tate I don't think it's a good idea right now your dad just died I mean I want to I really really want to but-" he starts to ramble but I cover his mouth

"Baby, I know you are trying to care about me right now and I love that but I very much want you to fuck me right this minute, we can deal with my dead father after" I spit out and he stares at me, he grunts and picks me up again attack my neck with his plump lips, I giggle as he takes me into his bedroom he was staying in

he kicks the door open once again and throws me on the bed, I kept the lingerie on from the ball, I liked the way it made me feel I can't wait for Harry to see it either his eyes are going to pop out of his head

"take off my shirt" he says pointing at his shirt I'm wearing, I slide it off and he notices the lace bra and he looks at my chest for longer than normal, I chuckle slightly and his eyes move to mine, "where'd you get this from?" he asks pointing at my bra, "Mack gave me the whole set with my dress" I smile and he steps forward, he rips my sweats off and he sees the whole set up, his mouth drops open and I swear I can see a little drool

"oh fuck me" he whispers and runs his hand through his hair, I tilt my head and lean on my elbows

"gladly" I answer and he smirks

I sit up again and he puts his knee in front of me I run my hands along his neck and I move my hands down to the hem of his shirt, I pull it over his head and I see all of his glorious tattoos, I kiss his collar bone as he takes off his jeans eagerly.

"your sure?" he asks as he holds his hands by his briefs waiting to take them off, I nod and he shakes his head. "words baby" he smirks and I tilt my head. "yes" I say and he pushes himself forward on top on me, he kisses my neck passionately and I moan throwing my head back, Jesus he feels so amazing

I feel his fingers on my clit and he teases me, he rubs his thumb on my core and I moan slightly, he's going to drive me crazy. he pushes his finger slightly into me but he pulls it out a second later. "Harry I can't take this" I grunt and he laughs, he pushes his finger into me again and he pulls it out a second later. "I told you, you were going to pay for what you did last time" he grunts and I throw my head back at the lack of contact

"Harry if you don't push your fingers into me right this second, I'll do it to myself and you'll have to watch and suffer" I moan and he drives his fingers into me a second later, he pumps his middle and pointer finger into me repetitively, I moan gripping my hands onto the sheets I'm laying on

he moves down crouching in front of me, he licks a stripe over my core and I moan louder, "holy shit Harry" I moan and he groans, "you dirty slut you like that?" he asks and I nod, "yes, oh my god" I moan again and he cups himself through his briefs, he pulls down my underwear moving it out of the way along with the strap that was around my waist, just when I'm wet enough and I feel my climax coming along he pulls his fingers out of me and I whip my head up to him. "what the fuck" I groan and he shushes me

"I want you to come on my dick" he groans and I shut the fuck up, he pulls down his briefs and I see his length hit his stomach, he grabs it and strokes it lazily, relieving it

I see his grab a gold foil packet from his wallet and he puts the condom on him, he puts his length at my center and he looks me in the eye and stops before going on the way, "Tate say yes again" he says and I smile, "Yes Harry always and forever" I say and he knows I mean It, he enters me and I gasp and the stinging, I groan as he pushes deeper into me and I throw my head back reaching for something to hold on to

he groans and grabs my hips, pushing his fingertips on me, he slides in and out of me, I feel euphoric at the feeling of him, I'm not scared and I'm not freaking out, I just feel here with him and that's all I need

"Harry you feel so good" I moan and he grunts and moves faster in and out of me

"Tate holy shit, you're always so wet for me huh?" he asks and I nod my head moaning at his pace of speed

"I don't know how much longer I can last baby" he grunts and I smirk, I moan and he wraps his hand around my neck piercing the sides and I groan at his grip, he knows exactly what to do which makes this even better

"Look at me when you come" I moan and he smirks when I use his words

he moves in and out of me faster and faster, I hear our skins slap at the speed, I feel myself reaching my climax and I look at him, he's already staring at me and I moan louder and louder as I approach

"H-Harry I'm coming" I yell out and he moans driving into me, "Come for me" he grunts and he flings himself forward, finishing inside of me at the same time I do

he stays in me for a couple more seconds but when he pulls out of me I stand up slowly and I feel myself already sore, I throw on his t-shirt and I take off the set fully, I pee and I crawl back into bed, he throws on his pair of sweats from earlier and lays next to me, I cuddle up to him and he closes his eyes

"I love you snake" I mumble and he wraps his arms around me

"I love you sunshine" he answers back and I smile falling fast asleep, not worrying about whatever else is going on in my life, just snake, my snake


Hi sunshine's! New chapter

AHHHH they had sex ;)))

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Stay safe and Stan Jerry


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