47. It's happening

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How long baby have I been away?

Oh, it feels like ages, though you say it's only days


The last few weeks have been crazy, right after my birthday we started training everyday switching people from different rooms so they could be skilled in different aspects of fighting, last week we started letting people fight each other to get practice, it's going well so far, we haven't got a single note since the last from Kade, maybe he's dropped it 

today is the eleventh of January, it's two days before the big fight that's supposed to happen, Christmas was fun this year, everyone slept over at my mothers house, she was up for it, maybe cooking would take her mind off of everything, it seemed to work, she was laughing again, smiling, making jokes like she used to which made me happy 

We had dinner and watched a Christmas movie, we fell asleep and opened presents with everyone under the tree that Niall and Harry put up, I got Harry a ring with our initials on, he wears it on his thumb on his left hand, then I got him a stick and poke kit because he said he's been wanting a new tattoo for a while he doesn't know what yet though, and I got him new colors for his nail polish, right now he has sage green and yellow nails, he was excited when he opened everything up but he felt bad because he didn't need anything then I proceeded to tell him to shut the fuck up because I got him gifts because I love him 

he got me a steering wheel cover for Echo, it's a boho aesthetic which I love so I was happy with that and he got me snake earrings and I wear them everyday, I told him I didn't need anything because my birthday was only five days ago before Christmas but he told me to be quiet and he didn't care

for New Years we went to Jupiter's and we just danced the year away, drinking and partying, Harry was my New Years eve kiss of course and he kissed me and told me he loved me a lot and it made my body tingled and we went home and he proceeded to fuck me in the shower which I thought was sweet 

we finished the Vampire diaries a couple of days ago and I know I saw Harry cry at the ending but he tried to tell me it was Jerry's fur that was bothering him so I shut up and hugged him and he told me it wasn't fair and I comforted him, he said he wants to start the originals now. 

that brings us to today, we're at the Headquarters training our asses off, I'm in the gun room today with Harry just to check in on everything and to spend time with him of course because if this fight does happen anything could happen, I don't want to think about it but the thought keeps crossing my mind 

"sunshine?" I hear his voice next to me and I jump, "yes?" I ask looking at him and a look of concern washes over his face for a second but it goes away instantly, "you alright?" he asks and I nod, I click the gun back aiming it at the target of a man, and I shoot it twice hitting him once in the heart and once in the eye, Harry rewards me by kissing my neck and I smile, I pass the gun to the next person the boy shoots hitting the target in the dick and Harry groans, and so does the boy shooting. 

I walk out of the room trying to go back to the archery room to check on my group but I hear the door open behind me, "sunshine?" I hear Harry's voice and I turn, "what's up" I say and I face him, he looks down at me and I tilt my head. "you sure you're alright, what were you thinking about back there?" he asks and I shrug not wanting him to tell him about the fact that I was thinking about him dying 

"nothing just we have two days left that's all" I say telling the half truth and he nods, "you don't think we're ready?" he asks and I shake my head, "no I think we're plenty ready" I say and he tilts his head in confusion, "what if we only have two days left" I let out and he leans against the wall, "what are you saying?" he asks and I step closer, "anything can happen" I say and he grabs my hand, "so you think I suck?" he asks and I hit him he laughs and I shake my head 

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