17. Sunshine 𓆙

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On this night, and in this light

I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you


We kissed, well she kissed me but I kissed her back. It felt amazing like I could float right now. The way her lips felt on mine was addicting

The last time I saw her was when I dropped her off at her house on saturday which was 4 days ago

I haven't left my apartment since Saturday not because I didn't want to see her. I want to see her and kiss her again but I know she doesn't let herself open up why would she change that for me. I know that I don't open myself anymore than she does but I would open up for her

I feel my pocket buzz and I sit up from my couch very fast, I pull my phone out and I see a text from Blaze and my shoulders slump slightly

"You comin over tonight?" she asks me

"what's tonight?" I reply and she answers seconds later

"Every year the day before thanksgiving we sleep in the movie theater at the house, it just tradition for us" I read her text

"you guys have a lot of traditions" I smile and I see the three dots pop up

"we're each others family and families have traditions" she says

"I'll be there" I reply not knowing what to say

"come at 7" she says and I put my phone next to me and take another nap


I shut the door to my car and I turn it on, I turn the heat up cause it's fucking 20 degrees in New York. I plug in my phone to the aux cord and I press play on my playlist. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac comes on and I get reminded of when I was in the car with Tate and I sang this song with her, I couldn't hear her fully but she has a beautiful voice. Before I put the car in reverse I grab my phone again and I open the spotify app, I click on New playlist and I type in the name

Sunshine 𓆙

I make the playlist but I don't add any songs, I put my phone in the cupholder and I drive off

About ten minutes later I pull into the driveway of the house and I step out of my car and I put my black sunglasses in the top of my light grey t-shirt, I walk up to the door and the guards open it for me

I nod at them and I walk in to hear cheering coming from the movie theater

I walk in and I see Niall chugging the bottle of titos vodka on the top of a recliner and I see Blaze, Tate and the other guys clapping and cheering him on, he doesn't finish the bottle but there is only little left and he puts the bottle down and grabs Zayn's shoulder to step down. Blaze spots me and waves me over

"come here Harry" she smiles and I see Tate look over, she sees me but I can't read her at all

I stare at her and I sit down on the carpet floor next to Blaze, I put my hands behind me and I lean on them looking up at Tate who is in the recliner in front of me. She stares at me and gives a small smirk and that gives me the reassurance I need.

I look at Zayn, Louis, and Niall and they all seem drunk but Niall is completely wasted, I smile at him and he gives me a thumbs up and Blaze laughs and lays down

"what have you guys been doing?" I ask no one inpreticular but Tate answers

"just drinking and I'm about to roll other than that nothin really" she shrugs and pulls out her grinder and I nod

She walks over to Niall and goes to his left jean pocket and pulls out a piece of rolling paper and she scoffs

"so predictable Ni" she says and he pouts

she walks back over to her recliner and turns towards arm rest, she puts the bud into the grinder and twists it for about 2 minutes, during those two minutes the rest of the guys decided to take three more shots of the vodka

Niall pours another shot and he stumbles over to me. "take it you look stuck up right now" he slurs and I smirk and grab the shot out of his clammy hands

I tilt the shot glass up into my mouth and I feel the burning sensation travel down my throat and I twist my face in disgust, I put the shot glass down, Tate finishes rolling and she looks at me

"do you have your lighter on you?" she asks and I nod, I dig through my back pocket on my black jeans and I find my snake lighter, I pass it to her and she smirks admiring the design

I got the lighter a few weeks before I came to the US I just picked it because I liked the design but when I saw Tate's tattoo I could help but smirk at the coincidence

She lights up and takes a hit, Inhaling the smoke and blowing it out into the air, she passes it to Blaze and she does the same, Blaze passes it to Niall and he takes a huge hit and blows it out in Blazes face

"Blaze it" he cracks up and I try and hide my smile

Niall offers it to the other boys but they both shake their heads and he leans over to pass it to me but Tate grabs it before he can give it to me, I pout and she smirks and takes a big hit. she gets down to the floor and grabs the back of my head and pulls me to hover over her lips, she blows the smoke into my mouth and I inhale hit and tilt my head back blowing it into the air above us

she doesn't move away instead she licks her lips and kisses my neck in front of everyone and I hear Niall whistle and I see her hand go behind her and flip him off, she pulls away and smirks, she gets back on her recliner and acts like nothing ever happened


After what feels like a couple of hours, we are all pretty high, some of us more wasted than others

Niall, Zayn, Louis

"I'm tired" Blaze groans and gets up, she grabs Niall's hand and he looks at her

"are we going to party?" he asks and she shakes her head and he pouts

"we are going to sleep come on" she pulls him up and he walks out of the room with her

Zayn gets up and says goodnight as well as Louis

it's just Tate and I sitting across from each other, she stares at me and I don't say anything

"are you going to bed as well?" she asks me and I shake my head, I feel my high hit me when I get up and sit next to her

"I wanted to talk to you sunshine" I smile at her and she moves her body to face me

she nods her head for me to speak

"do you regret our kiss?" I ask not thinking

"no" she says and shrugs

"do you?" she asks and I shake my head

"it was just a kiss, I would do it again but I can't commit to anything" she shrugs and giggles

I feel my gut do a flip and I nod

"yea I feel the same way" I mean it, sort of

"I want to kiss you now" she says and I smile, she leans into me and I feel her hands touch my face, I slip my tongue into her mouth and she moans slightly which gives me more power, I fuel off of it and I kiss her harder, she bites my lip and I feel my dick get butterflies

I pull away after a few more seconds and she bites her lip

she checks her phone and the time reads twelve in the morning she smiles and looks at me

"happy turkey day Snake" she tilts her head and smiles and I kiss her again, she laughs and kisses me back


Hi Sunshines! New chapter!

follow my twitter @cdwizzleswizzl for updates on Orphic and other harry related things

stay safe and stan Jerry


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