19. Privacy Curtain

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If your name was Lucy, I'd put Lucy in her Lucifer

My god, what in the devil, bring the animal right out of her


I press on Tate's contact and I hear the ring, I put it up to my phone and I hear a groan from her

"what the fuck do you want I'm tired?" I hear here ruffle through her sheets and I roll my eyes

"you can sleep on the plane, I need you to come down here and get in the car" I sigh and I hear her whine

"you are packed right?" I ask hoping she says yes but it's probably not likely after a few seconds she doesn't answer and I shake my head and hang up

I walk to the elevator doors and I press the button to go up, I press her floor number. I get to her door and I pound on the door, she doesn't answer right away so I pound her door harder

I hear her footsteps shuffle to the door and she opens it up, her hair is in a messy bun and she is wearing a pair of dark blue sweatpants and a white crop top

"can you shut the fuck up I was walking to the door" she give me a crabby tone and I walk through the door

"tate we leave in an hour and the airport is 20 minutes away, where is your suitcase?" I ask her and she walks in her room

I see a black suitcase on her bed, it has some clothes and she looks at me

"I'm almost done I was packing last night and I was folding clothes to put in there but I fell asleep while folding" she mumbles and rubs her eyes

"what else do you need?" I look at her and she goes to her black dresser

she pulls the top right drawer open and she takes out red lace bra and underwear and I look anywhere but the dresser

I see her put them in her suitcase along with some other items I didn't catch, she walks into her bathroom and I sit on the grey rolling chair by her desk, she comes out with a pink bag which I assume are filled with her toiletries, she puts it in the top pocket on the side of her suitcase and she zips the suitcase

she looks at me and nods her head, "K I'm ready" she smiles and walks past me, she says bye to Jerry and she makes me kiss the fur ball, she puts the instructions for Blaze to feed him and we walk out of the apartment she locks it and I press the elevator to go down

We get in the elevator and I check my phone for the time, it reads 11:20, our flight leaves at 11:50 so we should be a little early

The elevator dings and Tate walks out before me and walks to my car, she walks past her car and she stops to give it a kiss, she walks forward to my car and I unlock it, she puts her suitcase in the trunk and I close it, she gets in the passenger seat and I start the car and she immediately grabs the aux cord and I groan, her music bad at all I just love giving her a hard time

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