36. Truth or dare *

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So if I seem shy

It's 'cause you seem so shiesty


Harry and I got home last night at about four in the morning from the club, he fell asleep and I cried trying to be silent for hours, that man scared me a lot it took me back to being helpless and a little girl who couldn't defend herself

When I knew Harry was asleep I tip toed into the bathroom and let it all out, I needed to not be scared when I went on the trip so maybe crying my fears away would get it out or at least a little bit of it, it had to be a few hours later when I heard a knock on the bathroom door, "Tate are you alright?" I heard his morning voice but it was muffled through the door, I jumped up from leaning my back against the outside of the tub, I wipe my tears away and I walk to the sink to turn it on, I flush the toilet to seem like I was using the restroom

"yep, just using the restroom be out in a second" I say trying to wipe my eyes and make sure my eyes aren't red from crying,if he finds out he's not gonna let me come with them and I need to

I wipe my eyes on the towel and I open the door to see him standing in front of me, I rake my eyes down his body and I smile, I look back up at him and he seems weird like he thinks I'm lying, I mean I am but he can't know that

"you sure your alright?" he asks focusing on my eyes, I push past him and I grab my suitcase to throw clothes in there

"yep, all good just trying to get everything ready, come pack with me" I smile and he turns around, he shrugs and grabs his suitcase it's working

Tate just turn em off it will be okay

I walk to my dresser and I grab some dresses, and sweatpants and t-shirts with shorts, I grab two pairs of jeans just in case I run out of the shit I'm bring. I walk into the bathroom and I grab my toiletries and my makeup

I throw everything in my bag and a charger and I zip up the shit, I look at Harry and he's done as well, I grab Jerry and his food to bring to my parents house, "what time is it?" I ask him walking to the fridge to grab a powerade

"it's six in the morning"  he answers and pulls his suitcase to the door, "let's go then, we have to drop off Jerry" I mumble walking to the door trying to fill my brain with anything but what I'm really thinking about what's running around my mind since I told everyone I was going

"Tate" I hear harry mumble from behind me and I turn my body to face him, I look at him and I can he knows something is up

"You're not alright are you?" he asks looking at me with concern instead of pity, I look down and I shake my head

"I will be alright I just need to get there first" I look at him and he shakes his head

"I don't think you should go" he says and I scoff

"I'm going Harry you can change that" I snap a little harsh and he rolls his eyes

"Fine, but seriously when we get there I need you to talk to me or Blaze" he says and I nod, lying

"okay let's go then" he says motioning to the door and I turn around and open it, I walk to the elevator and Harry comes up behind me, the doors open and I walk in, Harry steps in front of me and the pushes the ground floor button, the doors shut close and I feel us moving downwards

he turns around to face me and he pecks my lips, I smile when he turns back around and the doors open he steps out first and I walk behind him, he grabs his keys to unlock the SUV and Harry takes my luggage when we get to his car, he puts both of ours in the trunk and he gets in the drivers seat, I sit with Jerry on my lap, a couple minutes later we get to my parents house

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