22. Arrow

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          TW: mentions of rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse, blood

          TW: mentions of rape, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse, blood

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Theme for this chapter, New Zealand pt 4



So wake up and stay with me

Cause I'm starting to think

That I never actually had you


"Princess?" the familiar old man whispers, I hear his heavy footsteps get closer to the stone cold wall I'm attached to, I hear something scraping the floor and I feel him get closer to me, I barely can keep my eyes open from the hours before

I was pushed and throw around, he took me off my chains, he grabbed his favorite metal bat and he hit my face making my cheek bleed profusely, I fell to the ground after that and he kicked my ribs plenty of times, I tried to move away from him but he was too fast and strong, I never found out his name so I named him kade, I don't know how long I've been here but it feels like a lifetime

I see the lights of the space I'm in flick on for the first time, my heavy eyelids look up to try and see his face but he has a black ski mask, I only see his green eyes and pink vicious lips, he gives me a devil grin and I feel the chills go down my spine, I feel my stomach turn as he walks closer to me, I look down at where the scraping came from earlier and I see a bow in his hand he drags it on the ground as he moves closer to me, I look up to his eyes and all I see is hunger, for what I'm not sure yet, I look around the place I'm in to get any sort of details, I see a brick basic apartment, there's a brown leather beat up couch, there's a rusty fireplace, the kitchen looks like it hasn't been used in centuries, I move my eyes to look behind me and I see I'm chained to the corner of the wall next to the fire place

I look back up to Kade and I see something hanging on his shoulder behind him, he slowly moves closer to me until he is crouching down in front of me, I see the canaster hanging on his shoulder something is in it though, I squint to look closer and I see them


I knew he was going to shoot me with them, I know it would hurt bad, the thing that would scare me the most though is that I wasn't going to die, they would fix me up and chain me to the wall again and hurt me all over again in anyway they can, that was the most terrifying part

he gives me a crooked smile and I smell the stench come off of him, alcohol of course

"Princess, I'm ready for round two are you?" he asks me and I twist away from him, he grabs my cheek and forces me to look him in the eye and I have no choice but to do so

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