3. Hot Hot Hot *

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I think too much

I'm outta touch

It's true 


"Tate?" Louis says my name and I look at him while sitting in my parent's movie room

after dinner Liam, Niall and Zayn went to Jupiters which is our nightclub that we all are co-owners of they go there probably every night 

Saturdays are when everyone goes to drink and have a good night though 

Blaze left a little after them with my dad to go on a mission that my dad needed help with Blaze said she was happy to go with because she wanted to end her Friday on a good note and I laughed 

My mom watched a movie with Louis and I and she just went to bed like ten minutes ago 

and now its just Louis and I 

I'm pretty sure I've fucked Louis about 3 times 

one time with Blaze 

but the three times I have fucked him we have either been high or drunk or on molly 

This time we are both completely sober 

do I want to fuck him though?

are you kidding, of course, you do he's beautiful

"Louis?" I answer him and he turns towards me on his recliner 

I turn towards him on my recliner and he looks me up and down 

I take off my flannel and throw it on the ground 

"were you going to ask me something?" I ask and he licks his lips 

"I was," he says simply and I smirk 

"what was it?" I ask and he puts his elbow on the armrest of the recliner 

"can I fuck you right here?" he asks bluntly and I smile 

 "right now?" I grin and he nods 

"mhm," I say and he climbs over the armrest but I put my hand on his chest to stop him and he tilts his head

I push him back onto his recliner and his eyes widen 

Louis tries to be a dom but he's not very good at it so I always take over

I'm a switch so its easy for me to be dominate with someone 

I've only ever submitted to two people 

Zayn and my ex boyfriend from when I was 19 

his name was Jason and he was cool but I got bored after four months so we broke up 

I climb over the recliner and I sit on Louis lap 

I run my fingers through the end of his hair by his neck and his head tilts back 

I grin and I lean down to his neck and I kiss by his ear and I lick a strip from behind his ear to his collar bone 

he moans and I roll my hips forward and I feel his bulge grow 

I suck on his neck leaving bruises. he grabs my ass and squeezes it tight and I groan 

I look down at him and he makes eye contact with me and he breathing gets heavier 

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