16. Good Girls Go Bad

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I know your type

Yeah daddy's little girl


Yesterday was friday which means we had dinner at my parents, It wasn't that eventful it was only Harold, Blaze and my parents. the rest of the boys I haven't seen since last Saturday, they were in Japan to kill a couple of the gun suppliers because a couple weeks ago they wanted to have some fun and the stole some coke from our Japan workers

"are you ready?" Harold walks into my bathroom and I roll my eyes, his eyes go wide and I can't help but smile when he see's me in just my towel

"Literally just got out of the shower like 2 minutes ago, what time is it?" I ask him and he turns around so his back faces me

"it's 10 we need to leave in 15 minutes" he stutters and I smile

"okay I'll be ready, are you gonna watch?" I decide to mess with him and I see him shake his head and he walks out closing the door

I blow dry my hair and leave it down with my natural beach waves, I put on a simple black dress with slits underneath each sides of my chest, I put on a black purse and white gym shoes, I put on my classic eyeliner and mascara and put on a pink lipstick for tonight

I blow dry my hair and leave it down with my natural beach waves, I put on a simple black dress with slits underneath each sides of my chest, I put on a black purse and white gym shoes, I put on my classic eyeliner and mascara and put on a pink li...

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I admire myself in the mirror and I smirk, he's gonna freak

I step out into my living room I feel his eyes land on me, I smirk and I twirl for him

he doesn't say anything thing but he rubs his fingers by his lips and bites his lip

"do I look okay?" I ask and walk closer to him

"better than just okay" he blows a breath out and I laugh

"we are gonna be late" I say looking at my phone

I look up at him and I grab his hand, I don't notice I did until I hear him close my door, It feels like a reflex like it's normal. I leave my hand in his, his hand is soft but I know that he has killed people with them, which makes me feel happy I know that's psycho thinking but that's what I am. I feel his rings rub across my fingers and I feel my heart get hot

I walk into the elevator and I let go of his hand to press the garage floor button. I bring my hand back next to him but I don't grab it again, we stay there for a second not saying anything but I feel his hand brush against mine and I look down waiting for the elevator to open

he doesn't grab my hand because he knows that if I don't initiate it I won't feel comfortable so he just brushes his smooth fingers over mine, The elevator dings and opens and I look at him

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