14. Our Little Talks

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There's an old voice in my head

That's holding me back

Well, tell her I miss our little talks


I left sunshines house late on sunday maybe around 11:30 I went back to her parents house to go to bed, I know now that I will be staying here for a longer period of time than I expected. The deal at first was to kill that guy with Tate and go back to England and sell drugs for the cobras but after everything that happened on Saturday night I think I need to stay here to keep killing not because I care about anyone

I have to talk to Jagger about it though since I was supposed to go home yesterday I didn't tell Tate that because I didn't think it would matter and it never came up in the few conversations we had

It's about 6:30 in the evening right now and I've done absolutely nothing all damn day, I know Jagger and Davina are about to be eating right now but I won't eat with them by myself I barely know them.

I hear a knock at my door and I walk to it but I stop and look at myself in the mirror and I forgot I was just wearing my black sweatpants I groan and I open the door just poking my head out

I see her soft silky golden hair flow down to the bottom of her chest and she stares at me

"what are you doing here?" I ask and I open the door wider and she walks in, she turns around and sits on the bed I'm currently using. she leans on her elbows and takes in my body looking at tattoos and I smirk loving the attention

"It's my house I can be here whenever I want" she says and I cross my arms over my chest

"parents house" I correct her and she shakes her head

"I'm an Undergrove aren't I?" she asks and I bite my lip and I take in her outfit

she wears a long sleeve beige ribbed dress and black knee high boots and a gold snake necklace

"are you eating dinner here?" I ask her and she nods

"I thought about not coming but then I was too lazy to cook so I stopped by" she says and she leans over and rests her head in her hand

"you should put some clothes on if your going out there" she says and I decide to play with her a bit

"why? you think I'm trying to get your mother?" I ask with a straight face and I see her roll her eyes in annoyance

"or is it because you haven't gotten me yet?" I walk towards her slowly and she give me an almost evil smirk

"I think it might be the other way around, I never will chase, people come to me" she says confidently and I laugh

I corner her and I put my hands next to her back making her lips close to mine

"I believe that but I bet you will want me soon enough, you can't resist me for long" I lick me lips and she pushes her lips closer to mine hovering over

"we'll see about that" she says and she pushes me back slightly and gets up to walk out of the room

"mom made homemade pizza" she says and closes the door leaving me to change and think about what I almost did

I put on a plain white t-shirt and I walk into the foyer to get to the dinning room, I greeted with Jagger sitting at the head of the table and Tate sitting next to him I sit across from her and Davina comes in with two pizzas on each of her hands balancing them, she puts them down on the pot holders and I see the steam come off of them.

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