29. Live here

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It's you It's you, It's all for you

Everything I do


Holy shit, I open my car door and I run towards her, she's sitting on the curb in front of the building, I see the building behind her burning, it will fall soon, she looks numb, I see the tears fall from her eyes as she stares at

I kneel towards her and she looks down at her our hands joined together, "Tate, are you alright?" I ask her already knowing the answer, but she shakes her head no anyways, I guide her towards my car and I see she has Jerry in her hand now, I sigh in relief of him being alive I don't know what would of happened if he wasn't here

I open the passenger door for her and she gets in, she doesn't buckle but I didn't expect her too, I walk around to my side and I get in and start the car again, I speed off and drive back to my building

it only takes a couple minutes to get to mine, we get out and I carry the bag she brought with, she's been silent the whole ride and she didn't even try to grab the aux cord on the way to the house which makes me worry even more

I grab my keys from my pocket and I open the door to my apartment, we walk in and she sits down on the couch, looking at the ground while petting Jerry

"I-I don't have a house for Jerry" she mumbles and I sit down next to her

"we can get one in a little while" I nod and she doesn't say anything

"w-what happened?" I ask her and she leans into me crying more

"c-can I touch you?" I ask her and she nods

I wrap my arms around her and she cries for a little while, she starts to sniffle and I hear her take a deep breath

"Blaze came over we were just hanging out like normal and I fell asleep while we were watching tv, a little while later she woke me up saying she had to go grocery shopping and she left and I fell back asleep, I woke up to this smell I didn't know what it was but it was coming from outside, I thought someone was cooking something, so I walked to the doors but when I really opened my eyes there was fire on my door just burning it down waiting to come into my apartment, so I panicked and I packed as much as I could and I grabbed Jerry, but when I tried to walk out I remember my door was on fire and I couldn't go anywhere, so I sat down on the floor against my window by the kitchen, I was crying because Jerry was going to die and he didn't deserve that" she says and takes a deep breath

"Jerry didn't deserve it but you did?" I ask her and she nods lightly

"I kill people of course I do" is all she says and I shake my head

she doesn't deserve to die, I know that for a fact she kills to be in control she can't help it

"I tried to go back to sleep so I could just die in peace and not to think about Jerry, but when I woke up I heard voice and it was firemen, they put out the fire by my apartment but other fireman were trying to stop it in the other apartments but I ran and got outside quickly and I called you" she finishes and I take a breath

"I'm sorry" she says and I look at her

"why are you sorry?" I ask her and she shrugs

"I bothered you from your sleep, I thought you would be mad and think I burned down the apartment, I-I just didn't want you to be mad" she mumbles and I squeeze her tighter

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