28. Flames

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I will let you down, let me go 

Even if your heart can't take it 

light me up in flames 


I kicked Harry out this morning since Blaze texting me she was mad that I didn't call her yesterday and she told me she was inviting herself over for today I laughed at her text message and I showed Harry he proceeded to try and convince me why he should stay but I told him no and he pouted but I kissed him and it made it all better, he's such a child 

Right now though it's about four in the afternoon and Blaze is sitting on my couch looking on postmates to order something, she's very indecisive so it's taking her longer than expected 

I look over her shoulder and she groans, "what should we eat?" she throws her head back and I run my fingers through her hair and she smiles, "Chipotle?" I shrug but she shakes her head no, "Mcdonalds?" I ask her and she shakes her head, "okay...What about Taco bell?" I give her another option but she shakes her head 

she looks back at her phone and scrolls through all the options, after a few more minutes she looks at me, "Mcdonalds?" she asks and I nod yes and she orders our regular. The order comes about thirty minutes later and Blaze gives me my food, I ordered a ten piece chicken nugget and a large fry with a blue powerade and I got sweet and sour sauce. I look over at Blaze's meal and she got a Double cheeseburger and a large fry with a coke and she dips her fries in barbecue sauce 

I pick up the remote and I put on Lucifer, we started watching it after we finished Gilmore girls about a month ago, Blaze loves loves loves Lucifer but my Favorite is Maze of course she's a bad bitch, I think Harry would like her as well they kind of have the same personality, I smile at the thought and Blaze looks at me 

"what's got you all smiley?" she asks and I stop smiling, "nothing" I shrug and she squints at me knowing I'm lying, "is it your lover boy...what do you call him Snake?" she grins and I hit her, "shut up and...no I'm not smiling about him" I say confidently to try and shut her up but she knows me better than anyone 

"Oh cmon you think I'll believe that shit, I know you Tate. it's okay if you like him, he's good for you" she looks at me and I can tell she means it but I take a nugget it and dip it in my sauce I eat it trying to ignore her but she doesn't stop 

I groan and I face her, "....I just thought about who he would like in Lucifer" I say and she looks at the tv and thinks 

"Maze of course, same as you" she nods and I smile 

"I thought the same thing" I eat another nugget and she smiles 

"You guys haven't watched this yes" she says looking at the tv

"No we're watching The Vampire Diaries right now" I look down and her mouth drops open 

"awww....you should him your favorite show, I hate to say it Babe...but you're whipped" she smirks and I hit her again 

"Blaze I'll beat the fuck out of you if you say some stupid shit like that again" I say and she smiles 

"you don't have to admit it but I know you do baby" she grins and I try not to smile 

I'm not whipped, he's annoying, I-I just like his company 

she turns back to the tv and watches it while eating her burger, we both finish and I cuddle on the couch with my blanket, I lean back against the couch and I remember me leaning against Harry's chest and I close my eyes trying to remember that feeling. I feel myself drifting off to a sleep and I let myself 

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