46. Safety off *

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You're a freak like me

(Can't you see?)


I push Tate into her car not caring what she's thinking about, I'm fucking furious seeing her dance with Louis, her touching him, him letting her, her hovering over his neck he was practically begging her to, and she was gonna. I stopped them and I pulled her out of the fucking club, I have to show her what she would be missing if she ever thought of cheating

I know she was mostly messing with me for not dancing with her but the anger I felt when his hands were on her was unbearable, that's my sunshine

she hasn't said anything the rest of the car ride when I told her to shut up, I needed to think and when I did I knew she was in for treat or a punishment I'm not sure how she'll take it

I whip into the parking lot of the complex, I park and turn off the car getting out of it slamming the door shut, she walks behind me and I drag her up to the apartment not letting her get a word in, she doesn't know what's going on in my mind

I shut the door softly and she looks at me, "look I know you're-" she starts to talk and I grab the top of her costume whipping her around and pushing her against the back of the door, I push my eager lips against hers and she takes me in, I guide her through the rough kiss and she wraps her hands around my neck, I take her hands off me though, she pulls away and leans against the door

"no touching me" I whisper and she pouts, "but-" she starts and I kiss her again shutting her up, I lean down and pick her up, wrapping her legs around me, I carry her to the counter and set her on it, she keeps her hands on the ends of the counter squeezing it as I move my lips to her neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over her

"you thinking playing with Louis was fun tonight?" I ask her in between kisses and she takes a moment

"yes" she whispers and I bite down slightly leaving a nip on her collar bone, she moans and I do it again, "I'm the best your ever gonna have" I state and she throws her head back, "say it" I move down to her chest, "I'm the best your ever gonna have" she smirks and I move my hands to her back ripping off the cloth from her, leaving her in a black strapless bra, I move to her back again and unclip it, it falls to the floor exposing her chest for me

I move my lips to her nipples, taking the left one in my mouth, she goes crazy for me putting her hands on my hair I pull away slightly and she groans putting her hands back down on the counter, "you were a bad girl tonight" I say and she nods, "I know" she whispers and I move to the other nipple flicking it with my tongue keeping it on my mouth sucking on it

"you have to be punished" I say and I move my lips to her stomach pushing her down to lay on the counter, "good" she moans and I rip off her cloth that was covering the rest of her, I rip off the thong as well and she rolls her hips eager, I push them down and she stays still, "no touching, no coming, no moaning" I say and she looks furious, now she knows how I felt

but she nods anyway, I move my lips to her core, so wet for me already, spurring me on. I kiss her thighs by her scars and she stays quiet, I move higher to her core and I kiss her slit, she squirms around trying to keep quiet, I flick my tongue in and out of her spurring her on and she moves her own hand to her mouth to keep her self quiet, I decide to make it a little more challenging and I stick two fingers in her, and move my tongue faster, she grips onto the back of the counter with one hand and covers her mouth with the other

I do this for a little bit as she let's out small moans trying to keep as quiet as possible, I walk away for a second grabbing something I threw on the couch earlier, she flips up trying to catch her breath, she looks at what I picked up and she smirks, "you gonna use that on me?" she asks and I shush her, I walk closer to her and she lays back down

I grabbed my gun, I push her legs wider and I put the safety on, she looks at me and shakes her head, "turn it off" she grins and I do. I start at the top of her body right by her shoulder, moving it down slowly and she takes a breath in, I circle her chest and she arches her back up, I move down to the middle of her stomach and push down moving it farther, I get to her hip bone and I wait before going any farther

"am I gonna fuck you with this?" I ask her and she smiles with an evil look, but she nods. "words" I snap and she tilts her head looking at the gun, "yes harry" she says and I feel myself twitch in my jeans, I move the gun farther down to her core and I rub it along her, she moves her hips to it and I melt at the sight, I push it in just slightly and she gasps, I smirk and I push it in a little farther and her hand flies to her mouth trying to shut herself up, I spit on her core and she bites her lip, I push the gun in and out of her stretching her out and she lets out a small moan

"h-harry" she says and I cover her mouth for her, "I said no moaning sunshine" I say stern and she nods, I pull my hand away and I move down to her core, pushing the gun in and out of her I move my tongue to the top of her flick it in as well

"my dirty little slut right sunshine?" I ask her and she nods, trying her hardest not to moan or touch me but I see her hands twitching for me, I know if she was touching me I would be scratched up on my back,

after a few more seconds I pull the gun out and she breathes again, I unbutton my pants and take off my briefs freeing myself, my length hits the my stomach and I stroke it reliving it of some pain, she looks at me and I move forward to her I grab the condom that I took out of my pocket and I roll it on me, I roll into her and she flings forward, I grab her waist and I lead us, she rolls into me and I take a breath, she makes me want to come now but I know I have to hold off

I'm also making myself pay for this because she's not moaning my name or touching me, I think of the pros and cons of saying she can touch me, of course I want her to touch me. the fuck am I thinking

"touch me" I whisper and I kiss her, her hands fly to me and she grabs my back, scratching me and I pound into her, "you can moan as well now" I whisper and she lets out a breath, "god harry I'm gonna come soon if you keep this up" she groans and I move my lips to her neck again knowing she likes that

"it felt so good when you put your gun in me" she moans spurring me on and I groan, "you should do stuff like that more often but we might not get out of the house" she moans and I move in and out of her, "you're gonna make me come if you keep saying shit like that" I say and she smiles, "that's the point baby" she smirks and I wrap my hand around her neck, open your mouth

she obeys and opens her mouth, I spit into her mouth and she swallows my spit, she bites her lip and I rock harder into her hearing her moans grow louder and louder

"Harry I'm gonna come" she moans and I rock into her faster feeling myself almost coming as well, I nod and she does and I come shortly after her, I pull out of her a little while later and we take a shower, as soon as she gets out she takes a t-shirt from my dresser and throws it on and falls asleep

I throw on a pair of sweatpants and I lay next to her "happy birthday sunshine" I whisper and I fall fast asleep


Hi sunshines! New chapter!

follow my twitter @cdwizzleswizzl for more updates on Orphic and other Harry related things

stay safe and Stan Jerry


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