50. Aftermath

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Go ahead and cry, little girl

Nobody does it like you do


"Tate?" I hear the voice echo through my ears, "yes?" I answer but the person doesn't say anything, "Tate?" I hear again and I try to open my eyes but I can't, when I realize I can't I start to worry, where am I?, Why can't I see?, who's talking to me?

"Sunshine it's me, I-I know you can't hear me, but I'm safe...I-I'm so sorry this is happening to you" I hear the faint voice but it sounds like the persons underwater, I try to get up but I can't, it's like I'm stuck in my own head, "I miss you so much baby, I need you to wake up for me" I hear his voice, he sounds like he's crying which makes me sad

"it's Harry by the way" he says and pictures of us together flash through my mind quickly, I see us in a field, us in a parking lot talking, us in his bed kissing as the sun rises

it's a lot for me to comprehend, I feel tired so I close my eyes and I fall back asleep for a little bit



"You're unarmed now boy, what are you gonna do?" I hear the sound of my fathers voice echo through the empty room, I'm pushed up against the wall he threw my gun and any other weapon I had on me, leaving me with just my fists

He took me away from Tate about ten minutes ago, I tried fighting him but he's the one with more experience, I put on a good fight for a while though

"I'm taking you somewhere, we're leaving" he says and I roll my eyes, he grabs my wrists and pulls me to a getaway car. "I need Tate" I yell and he laughs, "I'll write a note real quick then, what do you want it to say, this will be the last time speaking to her you know" he smiles and I feel my heart twist

"T-Tell her I love her always and forever" I whisper and he laughs, "she made you weak Harry" he snaps and I nod, "she made me stronger cunt" I snap and he throws the pen and leaves the note on the floor to be found, he grabs my hands again and drags me out of the room, "I'm not going with you" I yell and he smirks, I see a guy come up behind us and I see William point him to the end of the hallway, "kill her" he says stern and he walks to the end of the hallway, I look hard and I see Blaze

"No don't... I'll go with you" I say and he smiles, he shrugs and the big guys looks at William for direction, "still kill her please" he smiles and I feel the heart drop, I can't believe this is happening

I feel the cold air of the night hit me when William opens the door, he pushes me in the back seat, tying me to the backseat my hands are behind the head rest of the seat behind my head, he ties a tight knot locking me into place so I can't escape

I feel the car start to move and I try to move my hands to get me the fuck out of here, I look for anything around me so I can escape, but nothing is turning up for me

maybe I should just give up, I know Tate would get over It after a while anyway, she could start a knew life no messy problems because of my father, I contemplate it and I look around for a sign, suddenly I see a star out of the window shining brighter than any others, like a sunshine. I look around my feet again and something hits my leg, I can tell what it is but I know it's sharp, I hold it with my feet and I kick it up to me, it lands in my lap and I look at William as he drives he hasn't suspected a thing

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