2. Friday traditions

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Well you cured my January blues 

yeah, you made it all alright

I've got a feelin I might have lit the very fuse


Blaze is Blaze you know?

Blaze is my best friend we met a year after the incident and she was there for me, we occasionally fuck from time to time when we're bored but I know she is there for me when I need it. 

"Tate" she grins and I pull off my blue ripped jeans, I'm left in my matching black lace set and I throw on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black crop top and I grab my green flannel from my closet and I put it on as well 

I look in the mirror and I smirk 

god I'm hot 

I see Blaze from the mirror and I see her pet Jerry and I smile 

Blaze can be a hardcore bitch when she wants and she'll cut you with no hesitation but she also has this very soft interior that I like about her 

I turn around and I sit on the bed 

"Are you coming to the house for dinner?" I ask and she looks up at me 

"of course free food and your mom is cooking," she says and I laugh 

"whos going tonight?" she asks and I take Jerry from her 

"um I think the guys, my dad, and my mom," I say and she nods 

"what about after dinner," she says with a grin and I get up 

"what do you mean after dinner?" I ask with an innocent tone 

"I mean whos your desert," she says and puts her head in the crook of my neck

 "I was thinking Louis," I say and she groans and I try not to laugh 

I walk over to Jerry's cage and I put him in it and I close the top 

I turn around to see Blaze 

she leans on the door frame and she looks me up and down 

shes going to kill me 

"We should go now if you want to eat the fresh stuff," I say and she runs to the door 

I laugh and I close the lights and shut the door 

I walk down to the garage and my car is already started 

I open the passage door and I see Blaze in the front seat with her buckle on and ready to go 

I roll my eyes and I buckle 

 "my moms cooking is not that good," I say and she scoffs 

"shut the fuck up your moms cooking is the best, its why I love Fridays," she says and I laugh 

we pull up to my parent's house and she parks in the driveway 

we get out and I notice Blazes outfit 

she wears black ripped skinny jeans with a red bralette and a black leather jacket she wears red lipstick with it and middle finger earrings which I got her for Christmas because I thought it describes her personality 

She pulls her sunglasses down to the bridge of her nose and she winks at me 

I shake my head and I walk up towards her 

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