Drivers License

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Watch vid while you read. Is sad. Very angst. I'm sorry.  Jk not sorry >:]

TW: heartbreak angst

He'd got his drivers license last week, just like they talked about. George had been so exited, for Dream to pull up at his house. He's probably with that blond girl, who always made him doubt. Because she's everything He's insecure about. 

He was driving around the suberbs, crying because george wasn't around. He'd said forever, now Dream drove alone past his street.

He knew sapnap was sick of hearing how much he missed George. But he honestly felt bad for sap, because he would never know George the way dream did.

He was driving around the suberbs, crying because George wasn't around. He'd said forever now Dream drove alone past his street.

He blew past the red lights, the stop signs. He could still see George's face in the white cars. He tried so hard not to look at all the places they used to go. 'Why did you leave, George? I still fuckin love you.'


Kinda short, but enjoy.

Yes I took straight from the lyrics.

🎶don't sue me🎶


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