Gogy in a dress, what will he do?

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Umm so... I'm gonna try to make this good? I just thought this concept up out of the blue so I figured I should try to write it. Enjoy :)
Also that meme at the top has nothing to do with the story, it's just funny.

George thoughts: italic
Dream thoughts: bold italic

[third person POV]

George was in the changing room of an H&M, wearing a dress. He and his freinds were headed to a party that afternoon, and because he'd lost a bet, he had to wear a dress to the party.

Hmm. I don't look half bad. Althought the shoes are a bit much. I wonder how Dream will think I look? No, don't think like that. He doesn't like you stupid he's straight.

Dream was waiting along with sapnap and bad outside the changing room. They were all still occasionally snickering, as it was extremely funny that they're freind was going to the biggest social event in town in a dress.

They lived in a small town called Dark Oak Falls, named for the beautiful waterfall that flowed deep in the woods that grew dense around the town.

The Falls were where the party was being thrown, as Wilbur Soots uncle (aka techno) owned a cabin near them.

The fact that he would have to walk through the woods in a dress just made the situation funnier to them.

Finally george walked out of the changing room in his dress. It was a cute black dress that reached a little over his knee. The top was fashioned like overalls so he had put a black and white striped long sleeve shirt on underneath. He had also put on black leggings and black leather combat boots with three inch platforms.

Oh shit, He looks hot. Fuck. He doesn't like you like that, stop.

Sap and Dream stared dumbfoundedly at George's amazing outfit and bad politely stated "you look great."

Dream could feel his face heating up.

Damn, how am I supposed to survive this party?


The boys had arrived at the party spot, prepared to fend off any assholes who said anything other than nice about George's outfit. They were not prepared however for the strange amount of both female and male attention he got.

Minx had seen his outfit and come running over, shrieking about how good it looked and flirting his ear off. She left to yell at Schlatt when he got there though.

Next had come Eret, who had obviously also come in a dress, and who complimented George for having the guts to wear a dress to a public place. He seemed kinda sad that George had only worn it on a dare, but respected his fashion sense nonetheless.

Lastly came the unexpected Quackity, who had mistaken him for a girl. He apologized profusely for calling George mamacita and ran away real quick, earning himself a sideways glance from Karl.

At this point Dream was jealous as could be and was pretty sure that everyone at the party had said some flirty remark at George except him.

The fact that he had had a crush on George was usually a feeling he could push down and almost forget, but right then it was jumping down his throat.

He came up with a half assed plan to get George away from the party also making the split second decision to tell him about his feelings.

He walked over to where George was standing talking to Niki about whether or not she could do his makeup for him. He had politely declined the offer just as Dream came up to him.

"Wil says we're out of ice, wanna run to the cabin to get more with me?"

"Oh sure"

Niki gave him a second a of confused expression and then understanding. She and wil had gone to get fresh ice not ten minutes ago. She had seen the jealous glances and wanting looks thrown at George from across the clearing.


They were walking down the path to the cabin, george in the lead so that he could go slowly with his platforms. Dream decided on a whim that they were far enough from the party and quickly grabbed George's wrist, yoinking him into a small clearing to the right of the path.


"I have something I need to tell you. I- I really like you. And i thought it would go away over time but it never did. And it took minx and the others flirting with you for me to realize that I want you all to myself."

" you. Like. Me? Really?"


"I really like you too." George said quietly, with a sheepish grin.

After George uttered those five beautiful words something changed in dreams eyes. He took down all the barriers and let those emotions he was holding back take control.

"You know you look really hot in a dress?" He half spoke half whispered a bit nearer to George's face.

"Thanks." George whisper spoke back, biting his lip. He looked up through his eyelashes at dream and smiled a little.

(Warning: it gets a bit ✨s p i c y✨. Not too much but just in case)

In an instant dream had closed the distance between them, so that there was only an inch of space between then and whispered

"is this okay?"

George nodded a bit, fully sedated by dreams hot breath fanning over his skin.

Dream closed the rest of the space between them, kissing with a feverish passion that George gladly returned.

Thier mouths moved in sync, though they were both rather inexperienced at kissing.

George's hand hooked itself around dreams neck, and the other combed through the dirty blond locks on his head.

They carried on for a while and George eventually found himself pinned to a tree, and wasn't exactly sure how he got there.

Then they heard a familiar voice.
"What. The. Fuck."

Oh shit. Sapnap had gone looking for them.

"God I can't catch a break today. First bad runs off with Skeppy and now you're off making out or whatever the fuck you're doing out here. Ugh."

I hope you enjoyed :) please consider following or voting if you did! Or don't if you don't want to.

H&M was just a random store name that was the first thing that came to my head, I don't think I've ever even been inside an H&M tbh.

Don't sue me please.

🎶nananananananana, dOnT sUe Me~ 🎶

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