Whispered words never truly exist, do they?

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Angst for you my children. *evil laugh*

  "I think..."

A moment of silence.


Another moment without speech, occupied only by our slightly labored breaths.

"I think... I Love You."

A gasp. From me, I think. A happy one, I think.

We kiss, a light airy thing that's done in an instant. It meant too much to me, I think.

I suppose I think a lot of things.

I'm left alone. He had to go, his mother was calling. I think.

I do think quite a lot.

The next day, we pass by each other. He does not look me in the eye. He is holding hands with her. Oh.

I'm crying, in the bathroom, I think.

I do not know how I got here, all I know is pain.

It only lasts a second though. Because I feel hands on my waist, I think.

And then lips on mine.

A whispered apology, hands all over me, me all over him.

He leaves.

I am alone again, I think.

I think, I think, I think.

Have I only been thinking, this whole time?

Yet again he passes me by without even a trace of contact.

I am crying in the flower garden now.

I think I may have thought this whole thing up.

I wish I had.

He pulls me up, coos into my ear again.

It was a different girl this time.

She looked more like me.

The apologies keep coming.

I just accept them. I think.

I do not think I love him, any more.

"Do not think" what a funny thing for me to say.

I always think, all night all day.

Silly. Do not rhyme like a children's book.

I do not think he ever loved me.

I think, next time, I will not accept his apology.

The next time comes, inevitably looming.

This time the girl is very fake-looking. And, very bubblegum pink. I do not think I like that color.

Wow, I have not thought something again. That's odd.

This time I do not look at him either. I only walk by.

I do not think he even noticed me.

I think I like thinking better.

If I do not think I love him, why does it hurt?

Maybe I do love him. But that is not very good, I think.

That's better.

It keeps happening.



Finally, I cry again. For different reasons.

He is back again. Whispering lies into my ear.

I do so want to believe them. Every atom that makes up my being is inching me to lean into his touch and indulge in his lies.

I do not listen to them.

I ask him, "why don't you love me?"

He only looks confused.

"I just told you I did, I do"

I do not like his answer. I do not think it is true.

"Why don't you say it out loud then. Because, whispered words never truly exist, do they?"

He just swallows an imaginary gulp of water.

Hmm. I do not think I like that response.

I miss thinking things. Thinking is better than not thinking.

I do not know why but I feel like yelling. I do not like to yell.

And in a sudden swoop he is on the ground.

I think I pushed him down.

I am back in the house.

He is bleeding.

I pushed him with a knife.

Hi :D

Sorry I was offline for so long, my wifi took a long vacation :[

But I'm back now!

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