Still into you

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And after all this time, I'm still, into you~

Seen this all over tiktok and just had to write something on it, but with my own little twist.

"Sapnap, are you actually fucking kidding me?" George huffed as they're stand in guitarist walked into the room.

"I'm sorry but he's the only good guitarist besides Skeppy on campus, and he's already doing something with bad."  Sapnap said, choosing his words carefully. He knew he had no other choice if they actually wanted to win this contest.

"It's not like I ever did anything to you in the first place george." The man himself uttered under his breath.

"It's not like- YOU ABSOLUTE SCUM. DID NOTHING? WHAT ABOUT BREAKING MY DAMN HEART YOU ASSHOLE." George raised his voice in anger and disgust.

Dream just gave a sad smile. "You never really listened to my side of the story. I'm only here for the scholarship anyway. Shouldn't we actually do some practicing now?" He questioned.

George gave a disgruntled nod and Sapnap an enthusiastic.

They got into place, Sapnap on drums, Dream on electric guitar, and George with the microphone.

Why did Sapnap have to choose this song? Dream still gave him butterflies just from walking into the room, despite what he'd done.

"When our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny-"

"Wait wait wait, George why are you singing s aggressive this part leads up to the energy. Calm down." Dream said, stopping his playing abruptly.

"Not my fault your playing off beat." George replied indignantly. "You threw me off."

"Guys guys guys- calm down. We're not here to fight okay? I'll drop you both for quackity and Karl if you don't quit it." Sapnap intercepted.

Both of them shut their mouths. They knew he would.

"Work this out after practice of its really necessary. Really I think you should talk. It sucks seeing your best friends become enemies." Sapnap continued. To both of the other boys he made a sadly valid point.

"Fine." George said abruptly.


"Yea after all this time, I'm still into you..."

"That was great! We probably only need a few more days of practice to be perfect." Sapnap said positively.

"Welp, I gotta head out I'm meeting Karl and quacks at the cafe."  Sapnap said grabbing his stuff and whooshing out the door before either of them could say anything.

"Um... should we maybe grab a coffee and talk?" Dream asked quietly after a few minutes of awkward silence.

George thought to himself for a moment. Dream was right, he'd never really had the chance to explain himself after the incident.

"Yea... I guess." George responded in a shy voice. He was reminded of when they had dated. The pure happy, exited, and nervous feeling. He wanted to cry because he still felt like that.


they arrived at the Starbucks, ordering their coffees and sitting on a bench across the street.

"So... will you let me explain without cutting me off?" Dream asked quietly.

"Yes." George replied.

"Okay so before I tell you this, I want you to know, I never wanted to hurt you. I had gone to that party with Sapnap that you couldn't go tone cause you were sick. I wasn't really having fun, but I stayed because Sapnap wanted me to come. So this girl and her friends kept trying  to flirt with me all night. I made it very clear to them that I wasn't interested but they kept on until I said I had a boyfriend. They left me alone for the rest of the night so I thought they had given up. But the next week I waiting for you behind the school were we always met, and out comes the leader of the group from the gym door. She walks up to me like she owns the world, and says, "Kiss me. No one as handsome as you could be gay." I didn't really recognize her without the slutty dress she was wearing that night but I obviously said no but she kept telling me all these awful things and s eventually she shoved me into the corner of the building and kissed me, and that's when you walked round the corner. You know what happened after that." Dream finished.

George was basically holding back tears. He'd been so naive. And he had lost the love of his life from it.

" I am so sorry." George said, a voice crack prominent. "I-I have to go." He said turning quickly and speed walking away. The tears had already started.

He had convinced himself that Dream hated him for this.

But if he'd just turned around he would see the look of longing that rested upon dreams face.


"Baby not a day goes by that I'm NOOOOT INTO YOU-"

They all played/sang amazing, and had nearly perfected their song. They had chosen a song with a female lead on purpose, knowing George's vocal range would impress the judges.

They finished the last bit of the song and there were high fives all around. George felt major butterflies when Dream high fived him. Damn it.

"Bright and early tomorrow guys, the contest in at 3pm!" Sapnap said slipping out the door.

"WE KNOW DUMBASS" George called after him and they heard a faint chuckle in the hall.

Dream let out one of his signature wheezes, and in turn George laughed at the ridiculous sound. Within seconds they were both laughing their asses off. It felt good after months of not talking.

"Why are you even still laughing it wasn't that funny?" George questioned, thought still chuckling himself.

"Well it does feel good to laugh with you after all this time. The song is kinda accurate." Dream said thoughtfully.

Yeah um, really accurate actually." George responded without thinking.

"Really?" Dream said. That wasn't the answer he had been expecting.

Uh I have to go." George rushed out the door as fast as possible. Oh gosh that wasn't supposed to happen. I guess he knows now.


Part two anyone? I'm so sorry to leave it here, this kinda sucks but I lost motivation a little ways through.

As always, luv ya <3

(I'm not asking for votes on this it sucks so bad)

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