An interesting day at the amusement park

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(Quick a/n this is an idea from @Jadennotfoundd . thank you for the great idea!)

(^ that lil dude is a time skip, y'all can name him if you want :p)

-the day before-

"Hey, George are you listening to me?"


"I asked if you wanted to go to the amusement park with me?"

"Oh, umm, yeah I'd love to!"


Now, he was panicking. 'It's not like it's a date or anything, right?' Clay thought to himself.
'I wish it was- NO you cannot think like that he's your best freind, he doesn't like you like that.'

George was across the hall in his room, also panicking. 'Aaaahhhh he almost caught me staring at him. Ugh, it's so hard not to get lost in those eyes- NO, George, he'll never like you back, stop thinking like that' he mentally slapped himself and got dressed in some jeans and a tee-shirt.

"George are you ready yet?"

"Almost, give me a second!"

" haha you take longer to get dressed that my ex-girlfriend."

George came out of his room with a badly hidden smile masked by a dramatic pout.
"You dare compare me to that harlot!?"
He asked in a Shakespeare ish voice placing a hand on his heart and a hand on his forehead as though he would faint.

"What the hell even is a harlot?"

"Never mind, let's go."


In the car the atmosphere was its usual playful and happy. They pulled up at the amusement park and got out. Dream stretched his arms way up above his head and his shirt inched up. George looked away blushing, trying to regain his composure.

"So where do we go first?" Dream asked happily as they strolled in to the park.
"Oh, there was this really cool looking roller coaster on the website, I think it's called the Superman?" "Oh, uh, okay." Dream said sounding almost a bit... scared? No this is too good to be true. "Are you scared, dreamy poo?" He said challengingly. " no, no no no-"
"Dream is scared of heights, ha ha!!!"
"I am not!" "Then cmon, let's go!"

"Okay I'm coming." Dream yelled chasing after George, and swallowing a dry gulp of air when he saw the roller coaster. He whimpered involuntarily and George giggles and grabbed his wrist to pull him towards the ride.

When they got to the line, George never let go of his wrist, and Dream couldn't help but focus on the feeling of George basically holding his hand. He wanted so badly to take his hand, and tangle their fingers together, tracing small circles with his thumb across George's knuckles- no, that will never happen because George only thinks of me as a freind. George finally realized that he was still holding dreams wrist, and dropped it promptly.

They got into their seats and as they buckled their belts and the bar dropped into place, the dread grew in dreams stomach. He whimpered again, but this time George didn't tease him. Instead he said "you'll be okay." In such a soft, calming voice that all dreams worry suddenly disappeared. George tentatively took dreams hand and gave it a gentle squeeze it as they began to climb the first slope.


After that first ride, Dream had grown more confident and less afraid of heights. So at the end of the day it was him dragging George over to the Ferris wheel to watch the sunset from up on the top.

As they sat waiting to get to the top, the atmosphere in their capsule was a comfortable silence, but both were screaming in their heads

They were sitting next to each other, and as they got higher in to the air, they subconsciously inched closer to each other. When they got about half way up they were met with a spectacular sight:

(So originally I had a picture  I drew of a sunset here,  but my internet is slow so it wouldn't load :p)

" whoa" they both said at the same time, their breaths taken away. They glanced at each other quickly, both meaning to look away, but getting lost in the others eyes, and both not being able to help looking over the others face. Both slowly got closer to the other, so that their arms and legs were pressed together.

At the exact same time they locked eyes again and both saw the exact same thing, pure adoration and want.

Dream gently brought his hand up to George's face and whispered, "can I kiss you?"

George nodded his head lightly and both leaned in to close the distance between them.

They broke away just as they reached the top, their capsule flooding with the late after noon light, exploding with the beautiful colors of the sunset.

George grabbed dreams hand gently and leaned his head on dreams shoulder, emitting a small sigh of content as he watched the sunset and dream traced small circles on his knuckles.

The sun slowly sank below the horizon, the stars popping up little by little. No words were spoken until they climbed off of the Ferris wheel, and George said four quiet words,

"I love you, Dream"


The end! I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot, please leave suggestions if you want me to write a certain thing! I hope you have a wonderful day, and eat something, drink some water, or whatever you may have forgotten to do.

930 words

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