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(Cover picture has nothing to do with the story, just a pic I took earlier of the moon) This will most likely be super cringey but uh, it's a Spider-Man AU, enjoy :3
Tw: light swearing

Dream was Spider-Man. That was the truth. No one knew, not even his best freind. He led a normal life otherwise, just after school and for some parts of the weekend he was the web slinging guy that saved people. His life was shrouded with secrets now though, lies that he told to his parents teachers and freinds. He only really faught small crime around the city, muggings and such. He was sure that nobody would ever find out his secret.

George was starting to think his freind didn't like him anymore. He wondered if Dream had found out the George had a crush on him. That very thought made him panic harder, and his thoughts ran wild. Dream could never hang out after school anymore, he was growing more and more distant. George sighed quietly and decided to see if Dream was up for hanging out this weekend. He was planning to tell Dream about his crush.

New message
8:26 pm
George: hey, do you wanna hang out Friday night? OwO
Dream: sure, what time do you wanna come? Also wtf OwO ?!
George: right after school is good for me lol
Dream: kk :D

Ugh, finally they could hang out. It had been ages since they just sat and played Minecraft for an hour or two. He was starting to miss it.

(Time skip to at dreams house cuz I'm lazy)

They were playing Minecraft in dreams room when George started shivering. He ignored the fact that he was freezing because like an idiot he had forgotten to bring a sweatshirt.

"Dude you're literally vibrating, put on a sweater."

"I... can't. I'm a dumbass and didn't bring a sweater"

"You can borrow one of mine"


This is where everything went wrong, in a sense it went right.

George saw the mask and he was confused. Why does Dream have a Spider-Man mask? Hes not a fanboy, he would be strangely open about that. Could it be-? No. I'll just ask him.

George came out wearing one of dreams lime green hoodies and dreams heart melted. The hem went almost to George's knees and the sleeves were almost covering his hands. 'Damn he's so cute.' And then Dream saw the mask. 'Shit'

"Dream why do you have a spider man mask?"

"Oh shoot. You weren't supposed to see that."

"Why not?"

I- um well. I'm Spider-Man. Sorry for keeping secrets but I figured it would be better not to tell you."

"You're what?!"

"I'm Spider-Man"

"I- you-?"

George took a step back in bewilderment, sitting on dreams bed. Dream couldn't help but think about how cute he looked with his bewildered expression and dreams too big hoodie.

"So that's why you can never hang out lately."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"Well. You aren't the only one keeping secrets."


"I was going to tell you about this at some point anyway, but bows as good as ever. I like you, a lot. A lot a lot" George said his face heating up.
He bit his lip expecting Dream to ask him to leave or to say he was sorry but he didn't like him back. Instead he was met with a meek and quiet, "really?"

"Really." He confirmed still a bit confused.

Dream snatched the mask from George's hand suddenly and pulled it over his head. He opened the window and held his hand out to George.

"Do you trust me?"


"Do you trust me?"

"I- yes"

Dream took George's hand and pulled him out the window. He wrapped an arm around George's waist holding him tight as they began swinging somewhere. He felt George immediately wrap both arms around dreams neck. Dream smiled at this knowing that George was George was still in his hoodie.

Eventually they arrived at the top of a tall building with a killer view of the sunset over the ocean.

"Whoa, this is beautiful! But why did you take me here?"

Dream removes his mask after making sure no one was around and said quietly " I like you a lot too. And I wanted to tell you in a romantic place."

He felt his face heat up, and saw George take on a pink tint.

"That's really sweet" George whispered

Dream took George's face gently, tracing a finger down his face slowly and stopping at his chin angling George's face upwards towards him.

"Can I kiss you?"

George nodded very minesculely but Dream had the yes he needed and he can turned the other boys lips in his own.


Thank you for reading, have a great night! ✨❤️✨

806 words

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