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\|/And it was all yellow\|/

In witch George has found his yellow. Or rather, green.


Everything reminded him of His Everything.

In the beautiful spring weather everything was green. The grass, the leaves, the buds of the flowers. For George, it was all yellow.

Yellow, like the eyes of His Everything.

His. That was something to get used to.

The only problem with his everything, was that he was an ocean away. And every little thing, it seemed, was dead set on reminding him of that.

Even his Spotify betrayed him.

So, then I took my turn,
What a thing to've done,
And it was all yellow,
Your skin,
Oh yeah, your skin and bones,
Turn in to something beautiful,
Do you know,
You know I love you so,
You know I love you so;

And maybe it was George's fault for looping the song. But he couldn't help it.

It was all yellow.




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