The meetup

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Okay, for clarification Dream and George are dating prior to this storyline, but this is thier first irl meetup

George was lowkey panicking. And across the airport, so was dream. Both had thier own valid reasons, but the most prominent of the shared reasons was that today they would meet thier boyfriend of  two months for the first time. Of course, it was extra special because george would also be seeing dreams face for the first time. Finally he would put a face to the voice he fell in love with.

Dream was of course worried that George would find his face awful, ugly, or just not right. That thought scared him, so he tried his best not to think it.


Dream called me once he was off his plane, telling me roughly were he was and saying that he wanted to surprise me. I was pretty sure he was going to wear a stupid smile mask.  I hoped not.

"Alright I'm on the left side of the baggage claim."

"Okay, I'm coming"

"Hehe I see you. Look around"

I spun on my heel, pivoting around, heart beating out of my chest. And I saw the piss eyes.
(A/n I'm sorry 😂)

And I saw the emerald eyes staring right at me.


I was waiting near the baggage claim, looking for my brunette. I was nervous, so nervous.  And the I saw him, going the wrong direction.

"Hehe I see you, look around."

I said happily, heart going a million miles a minute. And then my heart stops. His gorgeous chocolate eyes are staring right into mine.



As soon as they locked eyes both hearts skipped several beats and then started going at it again, somehow faster that before.

George dragged his eyes over the face of the man he loved, and heart swelled. He wanted to swoon for his man, but instead he just took his featured in in more depth. He notices the gorgeous eyes, with long dirty blond lashes matching his slightly shaggy hair, that curled lightly around his face. His breathtaking face. The shape was as though drawn by an artist perfectly, flawless. Plump soft lips, just lightly pink tinted. Then his cheeks, that had a light dusting of adorable freckles.

George nearly fainted.

But then Dream came running at him, burying him in a hug. They stayed that way for a hot second, pulling out of the hug to just look at each other.

Dream felt so nervous, with George simply staring at him. That was until-

"You're so beautiful. "

He could feel the blush creep over his face, and there were spots of pure heat were George had his hands on dreams shoulders.


Kinda unfinished, y'all want a part two were they're at George's house?

Have a good night/day <3

Btw prob update tmrw, but idk cuz school

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