Secret Library

707 16 16

Pt. 2 of "a marriage of love and convenience"

Just a cute fluff, no tws

This is gonna be fun

George pulled Dream along a side hallway, giggling breathlessly. They ducked around a corner quickly to avoid someone coming down the hall.

To their surprise they heard the hushed voices of Bad and Skeppy, it seemed that they too were sneaking around. But they were doing a much worse job.

When they passed George continues to pull Dream along until they reached... a dead end.

"Umm, what exactly is down here?" Dream asked in a polite tone. He was extremely confused.

George just giggled again in response, and pressed on the wall with his palm.

To dreams wonder the wall quickly moved out of the way and before he could say a thing George had pulled him through and the door had shut behind them.


"Hehe, redstone." George cut him off. "Now come on, I want to show you my favorite part of the castle!" He urged.

Dream continued to walk behind him, blushing once he realized George was still holding his hand.

They walked up a long spiral staircase with bookshelves lining almost the whole wall. Lanterns hung from the bottom of the stairs above them, emitting a soft, warm glow.

When they reached the very top of the tower there was a circular room with more bookshelves, though the books on these shelves    shimmered lightly, telling him the were enchanting books. Sure enough an enchanting table lay in the middle of it all.

There was also a desk off to the side, a journal laying open on its surface. The wording inside was written in the language of the Enders.

Dream whispered a soft wow, and George laughed. "That's not even the best part!" He said happily pulling Dream over to a partially concealed ladder on the wall.

George climbed up it quickly, Dream fumbling a little behind him due to his height.

But when Dream reached the top the air was knocked straight out of his chest.

The mountains and forests that surrounded the castle were visible on all sides, trees swaying and bobbing in the wind. The ocean glimmered in the last of the light from the sunset, sparkling like a thousand diamonds. A waterfall sprayed off the side of a mountain and seemingly turned into gold, glittering in the light from the last of the sun. 

But perhaps the most beautiful sight, George.

His hair flew in all directions from the wind, cheeks flushed with happiness and the light cold in the wind. The blue jewels of the crown on his head shone. His chocolate eyes shimmered a color that rivaled the gold of the waterfall, like honey and coffee and pure liquid gold all in one. The legs of his pantsuit flapped like flags in the wind as he practically skipped to the side of the tower for a better look around.

"I've seen this view a million times and it never quite gets old." He sighed, a small smile falling daintily upon his lips.

Dream was positively enamored by the beauty of the boy before him and never in his life had he had such a severe case of bi panic.

When the eyes of the two boys met, they both realized that they had fallen head over heels for each other. It was love at first sight. This was the first time they had truly looked at each other, been able to take in every detail of the others face without a crowd around them.

Before they knew it their faces were so close they were almost touching, as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

Dream tilted his head and brought his lips so close to George's, but stopped before they touched, as if to ask for permission. George of course closed the rest of the gap.

They shared a heartfelt, loving, soft kiss, full of emotions.

And they both really wanted to kiss again, rougher, needier, closer. But they knew they couldn't. Not until George had chosen his fiancé.

They pulled away from each other a bit still looking into the others eyes.

"Dream, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" George asked suddenly and quickly, almost nervously.

Dream immediately replied "yes, of course! But you didn't have to ask me you know." He giggled.

"Well I know that much genius. I just- I wanted to ask, you know."

"Oh." Dreams heart had melted into a puddle. 

They figured that they should head back to the ball, and reluctantly they left the tower, sharing another peckish kiss before going down the ladder.


At long last, it was time for the guests to leave.

George respectfully said goodbye to each suitor, and lastly, Dream.

"I'll see you next week." He whispered, winking.

Both of them blushed.

Later that night Technoblade obviously asked George witch suitor he chose. And Technoblade looked a little bit... startled at George's choice. But he explained rather vaguely that he had a bit of a rivalry and a friendship that he wasn't proud of with someone a bit similar.

The date for the wedding was set, and the nerves and happiness exploding in George's stomach grew each day as it neared.

Finally, he would get his happily ever after.


Hiiiiiiiii hope you enjoyed! Have a great day/night and always remember I'm here to talk if anyone ever needs it! Dm me!

Love you <3

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